Friday, May 1, 2009


Tuesday 1st

The Day for going up has come round once again. Had a bonne dinner to day. Pork chops, Pommes der terres, Xmas pudding & blanc mange. Aeroplane dropped bombs in the vicinity of this place to day. Moved off at 5 o’clock. Packs carried to Les Brebis. In support Sap 6. Same place as we have been in before.

Wednesday 2nd

How quiet is has been to day. Quieter than we have ever had it before up this part. Able to have a little game of cards.

Thursday 3rd

Still fairly quiet. Quite a change. Had to go & fetch the water after dinner. At Maroc they told me that I had to go into Bully Grenay for it. We go up the front line to night. As usual A Platoon stands the zig. From all accounts it is not a very pleasant show. Only 30 yds from the Germans. But we have got a good dug out. That is something.

Friday 4th

Got the fire going before it was light. We have to keep very low in this trench. So far it has been quiet enough. Hope it gets no noisier. On patrol duty from 6 to 9. Rained slightly and made the trench very sticky.

Saturday 5th

We are still having it fairly quiet. Jolly thankful for it too. I leave here at 4 o’clock. Am going on a bombing course for 8 days. When I reach the S.Ms dug out I find that the course has been cancelled as we are leaving the Div. So I packed up for nothing. Patrol from 6 to 9. Fancy we have discovered the Germans mining.

Sunday 6th

Still keeps quiet. Being relieved to night. Relief did not come in until about 10 o’clock. Going into support. As soon as we got there we heard that we were only staying there 3 hrs. So made some tea & opened our parcels and had a spread. Tried to have a sleep but no go.

Monday 7th

Had us up at 3.30, but what a time we were in getting out. Only just managed to get through Maroc by dark. Breakfast at Les Brebis. Marched to Vaudricourt. Had to call at the Chateau for the C.G to have a look at us. What a fine time the others have had at Vaudricourt. It is a fine place. Busy cleaning up equipment & buttons, so had not much chance to go out

Tuesday 8th

Inspection by the General at 12 o’clock. Of course beforehand we had to have a few prelims. Rained a bit. He made a speech & bid us good bye. The rest of the day we had free. Paid a visit to the house we visited when we were here before. Had a fine sleep last night. Spent the evening at un estamient.

Wednesday 9th

Should have been up at 4 AM but overslept until 5 AM. Then had to bustle about. Our tea & bacon got kicked over. Left Vaudricourt at 8 AM & marched to Bethune. Cattle trucks for carriages. Had a fire in the truck. Made some water hot in a water bottle to make some tea. I went to take the cork out and steam all blew in my face. Luckily we had some vasaline handy. It gave me what o for a bit. Left the train at Pont Remy. Then had a 6 mile march. And what a march. Over a desolate dreary country. ½ past 8 when we arrived here tired & hungry. We soon procured some grub.

Thursday 10th

Turned 8 before we got up this morning. Breakfast about 10. Then cleaning up billets & rifle & billet inspection. The name of this place is Airaines. My face is not as bad this morning. Must consider myself lucky. What a game trotting up the street full Pack after tea. We have change our billet. Not as well off this time. Got to put up with the S.Ms presence & his banjo. Got back to night & found that the S.M had removed his presence.

Friday 11th

Busy this morning scrubbing equipment. Raining hard. Had a game of cannon in a Café with Arthur. He beat me. The Sgts shifted their quarters this afternoon so we collared their place. Got paid after tea. Then spent the evening in the Café.

Paid 20 francs - Airanes

Saturday 12th

Another busy day. Got to do our equipment with Blanco now. We manage it eventually. Then cleaning up brass for tomorrow’s parade. Warned for guard then the order cancelled. Bridgy gets it in my place.

Sunday 13th

On Picquet duty at ¼ to 9. Then take equipment to pieces ready for Church Parade. Belt & sidearms & smoke Helmet. Service in the M/sex’s recreation room. Not bad. Spent the evening playing cards. A draft arrived for us today.

Monday 14th

Started work this morning. Parade from 9 to 12. Then from 2 to 3. Changed billets again. We have got the draft mixed in with us now so go back to the 4 Platoons. I am still No 2. We are in the cinema now. A concert was given by the H.2 Pierott troupe in the cinema. It was jolly good.

Tuesday 15th

Start work on the daft today. They are intermingled with the old boys. They didn’t expect to do drills out here. They want to get up into the trenches but when they get there they will be glad to get back. Lecture after dinner on care of arms. Refreshing my memory. Spent the evening in the café at the front of our billet. Quite nice people there. Had a bonne dinner. Pork chop, Pommes der terres frit & beans.

Wednesday 16th

Running Parade 7 to 7.30 then busy getting out various information for the Brigade. Very wet morning they took us out drilling in it from 11 to 12. Lecture from 2 to 3 by the S.M. Then we got paid. That was the most important feature of the day. Spent the evening as usual.

Paid 20 francs - Airaines

Thursday 17th

Up with the larks & out running. Had a route march of 2 hrs duration. Grand country. It should do us a world of good. Blow all the smells off of us. Another lecture in the afternoon on Gas etc. Spent the evening as usual. I shall miss my bed mate to night. He is on Guard to night.

Friday 18th

Had our usual run. After breakfast it set in wet so we did some drill in our billet. But we went out in it for an hour 11 to 12 for company drill. After dinner the draft was inspected by some General. I had to superintend the bathing of some of the old boys. The bath was a wooden coffin box arrangement. It caused some mess. A hand of cards in the Café brought the evening to a close.

Saturday 19th

On parade at ¼ to 8 for a bath. Only two mile to march. When we got there found that there was no clean clothes for us. Kit inspection when we got back. Saturday afternoon off. So spend the afternoon lying about generally. Right half Batt played left half Batt. Right half won. I was not selected. A fine football pitch we have got. Right on top of the hills. Evening spent as before in our café.

Sunday 20th

Church parade at 10 o’clock. Spent the afternoon writing letters. A company played C company at football. I did not play but we won. For a change passed the evening reading. It has been a lovely day.

Monday 21st

Same old rigmarole this morning. Spend the morning shouting. My platoon on picket to day. Gas helmet practice after dinner. We play B Cpy football this afternoon. I turn out and score a goal. We won 3 to 1. Commence my duties as orderly Sgt. No reading in bed this week.

Tuesday 22nd

Spent the morning instructing the draft how to dig trenches. They did very well. Route march after dinner. Officers v men at football this afternoon. Snow stopped the match the Officers leading by 1 to 0. Turned very cold.

Wednesday 23rd

Route march this morning. Full marching order. Back at 12 0’clock. Lovely country. Snow all about. Very hilly. Sweaty feet inspection after dinner.

Thursday 24th

No entry

Paid 30 francs – Airaines

Friday 25th

Changed Billets. Another draft joined us. S.M. Godfrey joined us again. Had to get packed up all in a hurry. Rumours that we were going up but it came to nothing.

Saturday 26th

Inspection off owing to the weather. On fatigue party cleaning snow of the roads from the baths to Longprés. Concert in the evening by the Jovilians. Very good.

Sunday 27th

Up at 5 AM. Rushing about getting packed up. On the move at 8.30. Marched through Longprés Flixcourt to St Ouen. Got a bed in a private house. What a treat for us.

Monday 28th

Had a fine sleep. Two hours drill this morning. Last night of my duties. Inspection tomorrow.

Tuesday 29th

Inspected by the General of our Brigade. Turned out a lovely morning. Hand over at 1 o’clock today. N.C.Os parade at 2.30 under the S.M.

1 comment:

  1. Capt Arthur Agius was in charge of Company B 1/3rd Londons at this time. See the officer's view of the same events at
