Saturday, April 25, 2009


Tuesday 1st

Same old start. Arrived in Mtuge about 10 A.M. A 10 mile trek. Rained early this morning so got slightly wet. But left off by 6 Am. & was lovely for treking.

Wednesday 2nd

Not much doing today but still not too much rest. Had orders to move after lunch but was cancelled. Sent into Bandara & managed to buy something in the skoff line. NO CIGARETTES.

Thursday 3rd

No 2 & 4 Coys left at 8 AM for Port Amelia. They are marching it so I don’t envy them. As for me I am having a complete rest cure.

Friday 4th

The 1/2nd marched in about 8 AM & marched out again at 4 P.M. I went & saw an acquaintance. Still resting. Spent a very convivial evening.

Saturday 5th

Still enjoying our rest. Able to get on with some correspondence now. Got a few cigarettes & tea etc.


In 42 days marched about 572 miles

Sunday 6th

The first Sunday’s rest we have had for a few weeks. So we have made the most of it. Lying a bed nearly all day.

Monday 7th

Made another start treking at 5 A.M. which meant getting up at 4 A.M. And what a scramble it was. Reached camp for the day at 10.30 AM. Doing 11 mile. Bad water.

Tuesday 8th

Arrived in Port Amelia about 10.30 A.M. A proper Switchback Rd. 15 mile march. In the evening played football & was on the loosing side.

Wednesday 9th

We do not sail today so we are enjoying a days rest. Spend most of the time at the YMCA drinking tea & eating biscuits.

Thursday 10th

The boat has not arrived yet so have to rest here until it comes. But we don’t mind. We are able to buy dainties & so are living well. A Rugby match provided great excitement & a concert at the YMCA finished the day.

Friday 11th

Not feeling so grand to day so kept very quiet. It gets very breezy here & blows the sand around & mixes up with the food.

Saturday 12th

Set off at 7 A.M. to board the “Hongmok”. But as usual had to wait about all day & got onboard at 5 P.M. Sailed at 6 PM. Had a lovely evening.

Sunday 13th

What a boat this is. It is a hard job to get water to make tea never mind a wash. We out sailed the “Ngoma”.

Monday 14th

Woke up & found we were in sight of land. Got ashore about 1 PM. Had to pitch a new camp. Had lunch & dinner at the Weisman. Found Mohamedi awaiting for me so engaged him again.

Tuesday 15th

Busy morning changing “Stokes” TM. Shells & Gun. Had dinner downtown & afterwards walked round the Native Quarter. A Mahommedan festival was in progress.

Wednesday 16th

Another busy morning spent in town. Got ½ of the S.G. Sec. Off (with the gun & ammo) in the evening. They are off to Dodoma I think.

Thursday 17th

An easy day. Whiled away the time writing. Had a walk to town after dinner to see the war news.
Friday 18th

Busy morning again. Off to town drawing Stores. Dinner at the Weissman.

Saturday 19th

Whilst here am attached to No1 Coy for work & rations but have not started yet. Spent the afternoon down the town.

Sunday 20th

Had to go to the Station & see 2 Askari off by the 9.50 train. Went to Church in the evening. It was crowded.

Monday 21st

B.O. Sgt to day. A draft arrived this afternoon from M’bagathi. An attack of fever drove me to bed early.

Tuesday 22nd

Had to stand about 2 hrs awaiting the arrival of Van Devanter who inspected us.

Wednesday 23rd

I & Moody of the 1/2nd went out to dinner with Sgt Warner. Quite a Durban gathering.

Thursday 24th

Had a few minutes with T Cannon. Also saw Heaton & Bellamy. Strolled down to the Institute.

Friday 25th

We had some field stunt on to day. Left camp at 6 A.M. & returned about 9 AM. Had dinner at 7 PM with a party of the 1/2 KAR Sgts. Spent a very convivial evening.

Saturday 26th

Do our 2 hrs work right off now. So are finished by 8.30 A.M. Got paid to day. Saw St Sgt Box of my home Reg. He is with the 1/2KAR now. Our Askari held an Ngoma. Pembe being plentiful.

Sunday 27th

Thankful for a day of rest as I am not feeling too grand. After dinner take a little stroll down town.

Monday 28th

Another Field Stunt on. Spent the afternoon down DSM. Also went down there for Dinner.

Tuesday 29th

Feeling rotten today so was glad when parade was finis. Drew another Stokes Gun this morning so no doubt I shall sever my connection with the Coy.

Wednesday 30th

Started work again on my own. Troubled with earache. So went & saw the Doctor but he can’t do much for me.

Thursday 31st

BOS to day. So am kept very busy. Orders to pack up. We leave DSM to night. Entrained at 7 PM. & left at 8 PM. Had a lovely evening.

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