Was unable to make an entry today owing to rough weather. But what a day it has been. Woke up early in the morning with the cold so was glad when it was light. It was blowing a gale & the boat was rocking awful.
To improve matters I was orderly today & so it was a work of art to bring the food down intact. But some of the orderlies were not so fortunate & porridge could be seen on the floor. Whilst one or two slipped down the stairs from top to bottom.
The sea look awfully grey. Truly the roughest sea I have been in. At times the boat heeled over until I thought it would capsize. Towards evening the sun gained the mastery but the sea remained just as rough.
From 8 to 10 PM I was on guard in the hold. After that I found a spot to sleep. The boat was still rolling heavily.
Arrived Cape Town 24 hrs later.
Woke up and found all was calm & still. Thankful for it. We got into dock about 6.30 AM & then commenced a bustle to get ready for disembarking. Everything is going off this time so hope we don’t see her any more. Yesterday’s experience was enough.
I am on guard from 8 to 10 AM. Disembarked at 10 AM. Paraded on the Quay & eventually boarded a train for Wynberg. Arrived there at 11.30 AM & marched up to camp. Were told off to tents.
The good ladies of Cape Town had made arrangements for providing us with refreshments. So there was a rush for the good things. We started on Grapes then sandwiches & tea. Later on tea again & this time cakes, peaches, plums, cigarettes etc. They deserve our heartiest thanks for their trouble on our behalf. Shall never forget the treatment we have received from the people of South Africa.
Our kits soon came up, that is our valises. Finest bit of organisation I have seen since I have been in the K.A.R. We are 8 in a tent so not to much room when our valises are stown.
Towards evening went out for a walk round Wynberg. Very nice place. Some fine residences. Before returning to camp had some supper off of eggs & sausages. Was glad to turn in.
Feeling more like myself this morning. Had a roll call at 7. Had to listen to a telling off from the O.C. Draft. He seems to love us.
Busy all morning waiting for our kit to turn up. Eventually all mine turned up. So we could start preparing for Cape Town. The Ladies of Cape Town were here again with all their good things & needless to say they did a roaring trade.
Caught the 3.10 train into Cape Town & had a good look round the Shops. It is not a very large town. One soon does all the sights. I like Durban better. Table Mountain seems to overshadow one where ever you go. And the population you have a job to tell which are pure white. The majority seem half caste.
Had some fish & chips for a change. Quite good. Can get used to the light nights yet. Went & saw the Pictures. After that went & had a cup of tea. Saw Howell in Town. Thought he was home long ago. Caught the 10.25 train back. First stop Wynberg so we were soon back in Camp again tired out.
Got served out with serge on the 9 AM Parade. And a usual it fits where it touches. Fruit is very cheap here. All day long we are tucking into Grapes etc.
Get ready for Cape Town but it is 4 PM before we leave Wynberg. Just before we went out we erected some more tents. So now we shall not be so crowded.
Went into town by train. Quite a nice ride. Just before we reached town the wind became very hot. Rather unpleasant. It was like going through an oven. Had another look round the Town. Had dinner in Adderley St. Quite a decent feed.
Jock being unwell we returned to camp by train. Went in the Soldiers Club for an hour & then back to camp & bed. Still keeps very hot.
Very hot during the night so we lay talking until about 2.30 AM & in consequence only just rolled out of bed in time to get on the 7 AM Roll call. In the 9 AM Parade we draw belts. They don’t intend to let us walk about anyhow.
My half section has gone into hospital with Fever. Just my luck I am warned for inlying picquet today. So that puts a stop to Cape Town. Just because I wanted to go there rather particularly.
We had to parade at 2 & 6 PM. So contented myself with a stroll round Wynberg. Took my serge to be altered. Very hot again to day & very windy, which covers everything with this fine sand.
Very rotten tea we get in camp. My first experience of it. Was back in camp by 9 PM. So went & indulged in a bath.
Was kept busy from 9 to 12 making out acquaintance Rolls & then waiting for the Officer to decide how much money we could draw. Got fed up with standing about.
Not such a nice day to day. The mist is hanging over the top of the hills. Felt awfully tired after dinner so had a short nap. Then busied myself cleaning up.
Decided to go down to Cape Town so caught the 5.10 train. Saw Ward & Wood when I got out of the station so joined them. Had a splendid fish tea. Afterwards we had a stroll round the Pier. The other two had an appointment at 8 PM so when their friends arrived I pushed off.
Felt rather tired, so I caught the 9.25 train back.
On the 9 AM parade got politely told to go and clean up our lines as they were filthy. Some went but did not do much cleaning up. Instead spent a very quiet morning. For a change went over to the Institute & had lunch. It was quite tasty.
Caught the 3.10 to Cape Town. Decided to go to Camp’s Bay. It is a lovely ride. A circular tour which takes over an hour. The road runs between Table Mountain & the Lions Head through what is called Kloof’s Nek. One gets a splendid view over Cape Town & the Sea.
On arriving at the Bay we went in the swimming baths & spent an enjoyable hour splashing about. After which tea & cake was much appreciated. It got quite cold on the return journey. Had a late supper off of Fish & chips & caught the 10.30 train home. Rained in the evening.
At breakfast time this morning we were given an exhibition of scrapping. 2 of the Mess Orderlies had a short set to over a slight difference. The result I don’t know. Perhaps it will be continued.
Had a parade at 9 AM in full war paint & a general came & talked to us. He made one or two amusing remarks about money but on the whole his discourse was dry. Rain put an end to his speech or else he might still be rambling on.
We got paid out after dinner. Then I dressed myself up in serge & looked some what like a soldier. Caught the 5.10 train to Cape Town. After tea at the usual place when & did a little shopping. Bought a couple of feathers. In Adderley St saw a Whippet Tank giving an exhibition. It attracted quite a large crowd & no doubt plenty of money. Caught the 9.25 train back.
Had a bit of a lay in. Woke up & found it raining. It looks a miserable morning. Get warned for Ration fatigue & also discover I am Mess Orderly for the day after I have cleaned up. So do not go on Church Parade.
Instead I had a washing day. Plenty of rain so good for washing. Turned out fine after dinner so I went & saw J Innes. He is getting on alright now. Had no temptation to partake of tea in camp so went down to the Institute. Afterwards had a little walk & then back to camp before it was dark.
Getting quite an early bird, but I suppose I am getting some what fed up & want to be on the move again.
Paraded at 9.45 for another lecture. This time it was quite a good lecturer & was very interesting. His idea was to buck us up when we get back to civil life. Had another parade about 11 to enquire whether anyone wanted civil employment forms. What they are nobody knows so not many seemed to want them.
Set out to catch the “Buckshee” train, but just my luck it was knocked off. Got down to Cape Town about 3.30 and proceeded to inspect the shops & do a little shopping.
Had a fish tea at the old place & afterwards went to the pictures. The play pictured was Macbeth. It was very good. Had a slight supper at the Rest Hut, & caught the10.5 train home.
On the first parade got warned for Cook House fatigue. So after breakfast up to the Cook House trying to get messy Dixies clean. Had some tea on the job. After dinner had a few more to clean, but it did not take very long. So was out by 2.30.
Went up to the hospital & saw Jock. Went to the soldiers club in Wynberg for tea. Coming back saw Aves so joined him & we walked up to camp together.
Painted my name on my box again. Then supper at the Institute followed by a game of draughts with Aves. Got hopelessly whacked. So spent a very quiet evening. To finish up I went & had a bath.
On Medical inspection this morning to see how this country had affected our health. We all had to parade at 2.45 & march to Wynberg Town Hall. The ladies wished to entertain us.
Some of the chaps groused about it & were passing sarcastic comments about the Bun wallers’ etc. But I’ve noticed that those who shout & grouse loudest take care to eat most & are always in the front when anything free is going.
From the commencement things went with a swing & it turned out a huge success. We gave the ladies a rousing vote of thanks for their kindness. Refreshments were provided also a good concert. At the conclusion came back to camp & went over the Soldiers Home intending to write a letter but instead chatted with old Lads.
Was surprised to see Jock roll up in Khaki. He has got out of dock earlier than I expected. Busied myself writing my name on my valise this morning after Parade.
After dinner I & Jock paid a visit to C Rhodes memorial at Groote Schuur. It was some climb up to it, but well worth it. What a magnificent view can be obtained from there. No wonder it was Rhode’s favourite spot. Quite a fine memorial to him.
We had tae at the little cottage behind to our sorrow. They charged us 1/6 for 2 cups of weak tea & a little cake. So came back to Wynberg & had something to eat in the Soldiers Club. After which we went & saw the Pictures at the Town Hall.
On the early morning parade I got warned for Picquet again. So as that put a stop to going out anywhere I busied myself by painting or rather writing names on various boxes for different chaps. Getting back to old times again. It was getting on for 4.30 PM before I had finished.
Then I started packing up & sorting out my kit ready for the morrow.
After we had paraded at 6 PM I took a little stroll down to Wynberg & partook of tea in the Soldiers club. The only place where one can really get a really good cup of tea.
Returned to camp quite early. About 400 troops off of the “Durham Castle” arrived in camp to day.
Busy morning getting boxes ready for despatch to the Ingama. Hope my two reach their destination safely & in good condition. They went away before dinner time. I had another washing day.
After dinner I settled down to a nice nap when Jock came & persuaded me to go to the races which were being held at Kenilworth. Got their about 3 & found quite an animated crowd there. It was quite like Peace time.
The racing was quite exciting & we witnessed some close finishes. On the last race we managed to scrape together 5/- & we put that on a horse called Nugget. Needless to say it did not win but it was a close finish. Finished the evening at the Pictures.
Getting ready for Church Parade when I was warned for Sanitary Fatigue. So needless to say I did not go to Church. Instead I did a little more sign writing. Two more chaps wanted their names putting on their kit.
Did not go out until 5 PM then went & had tea at the Soldiers Club. Some young Lady was entertaining us whilst we had tae by singing to us. And she sang splendidly.
Afterwards we had a country stroll & we struck a small Wesleyan Church. So we went to the Service & listened to a very good discourse. Quite like an English village Church.
Stroll back to the Club & then home again to camp.
Had to be up smart this morning & pack up our valises ready for transport. Turned out a dull morning. Fine rain at times & quite cold. Now patiently waiting to march off. Getting anxious now & eager to be off.
Paraded at 1.15 PM & marched to the station where we entrained for the docks. Went on board immediately where we were put in Messes. In a different part of the ship this time. They have made a change in the old boat.
Quite lively on the Quay with chaps rolling up late. K.A.R.s were good this time. Sailed at 7 PM for the last voyage.
So farewell to Cape Town & now for England, Home & Beauty. The sea was very choppy & the wind very strong. So the boat rolled somewhat & not a few were sick. I was alright.
Had a most glorious sleep although very crowded. I slept in a hammock therefore I was suspended. We are all 6 & 7s as yet. It will take a few days to get settled down.
Started the mornings parade’s again & after which listened to a short lecture by Col Benson on cleanliness. In the afternoon had a Medical Inspection. They have soon started them.
We are speeding along fairly well. Rolling a little but the sea is fairly calm. It has been a lovely day. Hope the good weather continues. We are just beginning to realize now that we are homeward bound.
Had some boat station & life belt drill. As usual we have no boats.
After dinner managed to get a place on the Promenade deck in which we could rest our weary bones, but there was not much rest. Stayed there until it was time for Quinine Parade.
There are some little children on board & they are getting quite chummy with all the Soldiers. One sees them trotting all over the ship even down on the mess deck escorted by a soldier.
Every day we are anxious to know how many miles we have done, & our usual greeting to one another is, well only another 19 or 18 (or whatever amount it may be) days before we reach Blighty. So the fever is growing. Still going strong & a lovely day.
Still going strong & quite calm. We have got a Bugler on board now & naturally his first appearance was greeted with loud cheers.
The game of House & Crown & Anchor is in full swing now. So now one cannot get away from the insistent shouting of numbers. It spoils one’s rest & gets on one’s nerves.
Compulsory bathing is the order of the day now. Like a lot of school children we had to parade for it dressed in overcoats & boots. It is only a shower bath of sea water so it’s a case of we’re in & we’re out. It is beginning to get a bit warmer now.
Was awakened by Jock to partake of some tea. In obeyance of orders I had my hair cut but did not have a close crop. Up till mid-day we had done 1182 miles. So we are gradually wiping the miles off.
How hungry we get on this boat. Everybody is busy eating his food at least ½ an hour before the tae appears. Our tea usually consists of bread & butter & cheese & (an onion usually purloined.)
To night whilst interested in tea one of the boards on top of the hatch way came tumbling down on to our deck. On looking up we saw a chap hanging by his hands from the hatch. Evidently he had been sitting on this board when it disappeared. Of course he was greeted with loud cheers & laughter. Luckily he was unhurt
After breakfast it came on a fine drizzle & it looked as if we were in for a storm, but luckily it cleared away & turned into a lovely day. Bathing Parade again & afterwards whilst I was lightly clad I did my washing & now I am all dressed up.
Some comforts were given out to day. Each man got 3 Pkts of cigarettes & each table a pack of playing cards. The above were given by the Ladies of South Africa.
To night a concert has been arranged. The first of the season. It was well patronized with a very appreciative audience. It helped to break the monotony of the voyage. It was quite good.
Marlow was in good form with the sarcastic comments. But it is a pity that the same artists appear every time. They will get stale.
Sunday on the rolling ocean. It is a lovely morning. Everything so calm & peaceful. Not a cloud to be seen & only the foam as the boat cuts through the water disturbs the lovely blue of the sea. And we keep gliding along with hardly a motion.
The Skipper & his numerous statelites did not come round inspecting the ship. Perahps they had an extra lay in.
Went to the Church Service so had a comfortable hour in the Music Saloon. I am rather backward in going to such services. Don’t like making an exhibition of myself, but Jock going I went.
After dinner tried to sleep but couldn’t. It was too hot. Spent another pleasant hour after tea in the Music saloon.
Still gliding along smoothly & calmly. Since we started have not seen a sign of anything else. Morning after morning we awake to the same old scene. How far we have gone & how many miles we have done in the last 24 hrs causes great arguments. It is full of interest in fact sweepstakes are got up on that question now. Anything to cause a bit of excitement.
At midday we had done about 2242 miles. Since leaving Cape Town we have put our watches back about 2 ¼ hrs. It is hotter than ever to day. I guess we are nearing the line now. 5 ½o South I believe.
Found it unbearably hot this morning. Not a breath of air stirring. Suddenly the horizon grew dark & we found ourselves gradually approaching it. And then what a transformation scene. The wind blew & presently down came the rain & the air was quite cool. We hurriedly dashed for shelter.
Instead of the usual inspection we had a life boat practice. We were all on parade awaiting the Inspection when suddenly the Syren started followed by the Ships Bells. So we made a dash below for life Belts. And what confusion reigned for a few minutes. What hopes were it in reality.
Bathing parade again. Don’t know whether we have crossed the line yet.
It seems pretty certain that we crossed the Line yesterday, but they kept the occasion very quiet. Popular opinion is inclined to think that we crossed it during the sudden storm yesterday.
This voyage seems to me to be like a great ship in the centre of an immense circle & no matter how fast she sails she cannot any further than the centre & the poor sailor has only this vast circle to greet his weary eyes.
But this morning another ship appeared in our circle for a little while & then disappeared. So we know this vast ring will be broken sometime.
Did a little washing to day & lost a great amount of sweat. Very hot. Our milage is now 2781.
It was awfully close last night & in consequence did not get a very good nights rest.
Instead of the usual Ships Inspection we had a Medical Inspection. On the look out for “Scabies” I suppose. After dinner Bathing broke up the afternoon.
We have not got so much room to enjoy the sea breezes now & goodness knows we need them enough. The reason being that they are painting the ship. Fancy doing that when so crowded, but there we do not count.
Still very hot & the sea quite calm. My half section is very curious as to what I write in this book, but I’m afraid his curiosity will not get satisfied.
Nothing startling to relate & so the monotony remains unbroken. Did a little washing after dinner. That is about all one can do to pass the time away.
One cannot enjoy a comfortable read in this crowded Ship. Have just finished reading the Life of Elizabeth. Found it very interesting & instructive.
The order has gone forth that Helmets & Shorts will not be worn any more. We are gradually severing our ties with Africa.
Very cold on deck so did not stay up there long. Not too warm down below now.
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