Saturday, April 25, 2009


West Street, Central, Durban

The message on the back of the card reads: My Dearest Bob, How would like a ride along this fine street in a Ricksha. It would be quite a novel experience for you, & quite comfortable travelling. It is quite a feature of this town. Fondest love. Walter xxx

Saturday 1st

Well it is not too bad in camp. Plenty of liberty & no one worries you. Can stick a few months of this.

Sunday 2nd

Still enjoying lovely weather. Watched a RC procession. It took about ¾ an hour to pass. Spent the evening at Clarence Road.

Monday 3rd

Paid another visit to my Dentist which occupied all morning. I’ve got stung today. I am escort to a Sgt under close arrest. So put a stop to my going out. Went to a concert at YMCA. Very good.

Tuesday 4th

Paid another visit to my Dentist & he kept my teeth so I am toothless today which means that I must stay in camp.

Wednesday 5th

Lovely day not so cold. I shall be glad when I get my teeth. When it got dark I called up Clarence Rd.

Thursday 6th

Hurrah ! got my teeth this morning so I now look more respectable. To celebrate the occasion went to the beach. Nothing doing to night.

Friday 7th

Yet another visit to the Dentist. I now am minus my lower teeth. But ½ a loaf is better than none. Had dinner with McNeil at the Clarendon then went to Thornton Bio.

Saturday 8th

Another visit to the Dentist. I & Sully went up Clarence Rd & had tea & a musical afternoon. Spent the evening at the Empire Bio. Not a bad programme.


Rang up Mac and arranged to go to dinner with him Friday the 7th.

Sunday 9th

Had a trip to the beach. Crowded. Not very nice too cold & breezy. After dinner found my way to Clarence Rd & spent the rest of the day there.

Monday 10th

Got my lower teeth so now feeling more like myself. Decided to go & see “Daddy Longlegs” & was glad I went. Quite a delightful play.

Tuesday 11th

Paid my last visit to the Dentist. Visited the Empire Bio. For the Freedom of the World was the picture. Somewhat disappointed with it. A tale about a dog I could unfold.

Wednesday 12th

Down to the beach to listen to the band discourse sweet music. In the evening met some friends who took me out to dinner. Enjoyable evening. Back to camp about 11.30 P.M.

Thursday 13th

Visit Clarence Rd early to see what is wrong with Sgt Stocks. He has got it again. The Bio again. Good programme especially Auld Robin Grey.

Friday 14th

Going strong. Dressed & out before 11 A.M. Had a good time on the beach. Had tea at the YMCA. Early night.

Saturday 15th

Off to the Beach again. Called in the Rowena Tea Rooms twice. Spent the evening at Clarence Rd.
Sunday 16th

Off to the Beach quite early. Lunch at the Bungalow. Met a friend at 2.30 PM & then we went & inspected the Fort. Evening spent at Clarence Rd.

Monday 17th

Played Billiards this morning. Afternoon on the Beach. Tea at the YMCA. Menu Fried eggs & toast followed by billiards. A quiet evening at Clarence Rd.

Tuesday 18th

Managed to get some more pay. Off to the beach before lunch. Busy writing letters in the “tute”. After tea went and saw civilization at the town hall. Not up to much.

Wednesday 19th

My day out today. Met a friend at 4 P.M. Then strolled down to the beach. Dinner at the lounge & then on to see Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch

Thursday 20th

Owing to keeping late hrs I have got a touch of the fever. A good sleep after lunch improved me. Visited Clarence Rd in the evening.

Friday 21st

Had a run round before lunch taking snaps. Finished up at the Beach. Hear that we leave for G.E.A. on the 26th. Dined at the Rowence. Dust Storm.

Saturday 22nd

Bitter cold today & many showers. More troops arrived today. Dined at Clarence Rd then proceeded to the Pictures. Quite a good show.


I think that the end of my stay in Durban has been more enjoyable than the beginning. In truth I am quite loathe to leave the place.

Sunday 23rd

Still cold. Met a friend at 2.30PM then took car to Umbilo & walked into Clairwood & had tea. Quite a nice change. Returned by train had dinner in the Model Dairy while listening to the band. A very enjoyable day.

Monday 24th

Busy packing up so was not able to get out until the evening. Then went to the concert at the Town Hall. It was very good.

Tuesday 25th

Awful rush again. Left camp for the Docks at 9.30AM Embarked on the Salamis at 11AM ‘Am fed up’ Sailed at 4PM On deck in full force to bid good bye to Durban. Turned in at 7PM

Wednesday 26th

The sea is choppy & it is windy & very cold. Am feeling pretty seedy. I am too fed up for words. Roll on Beira. Am not in love with the ship. Am sleeping well.

Thursday 27th

Feeling better. Guess I am getting over my holiday now. The sea is not so rough so have not so many ups & downs. After dinner a concert livened the journey somewhat.

Friday 28th

What a delightful day. Just a gentle swell on the sea. My first appearance on deck in shirt sleeves. We are keeping in sight of land. Arrived outside Beira at 9PM

Saturday 29th

Once more we make a stay in Beira. Landed about 10AM. Quite hot now. We are quartered in the Barracks this time. Visit the restroom. Rained heavily.

Sunday 30th

Orders to pack up. Embarked on the Mafia about 9.30AM Sailed about 11AM A small Coaster & she rolls somewhat so have a funny feeling. Good skoff.


River scene on the Zambesi

The message on the back of the card reads: My Dearest Bob, A typical scene on the Zambesi, but it is much prettier higher up. One has to beware of croc. When making this journey. Love from Walter xx

Monday 1st

Chinde once more. Dropped anchor about 8AM Landed about 9AM & found we had got to stay here. The famous Murry’s Hotel is under new management so we fare better.

Tuesday 2nd

Sat down to a splendid breakfast. 3 Courses. We patronise the Rest Hut well. The tea & cakes in the afternoon are very acceptable. Mosquitoes busy to night.

Wednesday 3rd

Still hanging on waiting to go up the river. Rolled up in full force for afternoon tea. More writing after dinner.

Thursday 4th

Had our Photos taken this morning. At last. Embarked on board the River Boat “Centipede” at 4PM Shortly after commenced our eventful journey up the Zambezi. Spent a musical evening.

Friday 5th

Some of the hunting enthusiasts busy shooting at Crocs. After lunch arrived at Marromeu where there is a big sugar factory. Hasty look over the works. Very interesting. Spent remainder of time in Rec Room.

Saturday 6th

More halts for fuel. It seems to get hotter. The scenery is getting a bit more interesting. The hunters hit a croc. What cheers rent the air. After tea we were all in a remeniscient mood.


Saw a Pelican which had been shot at one of the crossing places on the Zambesi. Its measurement from wing to wing was 8 feet 6 inches.

Sunday 7th

Arrived Chimolio at 11.30AM Junction of Zambesi & Shire Rvrs. Went ashore & fixed up in tents. Later on it rained so returned to the boat to sleep. Had a lovely dinner of Duck.

Monday 8th

What a lark. Missed the train. So to prevent further accident we make our home on the Station. Had a “bonser” tea off of fried fish. Fried in the London style.

Tuesday 9th

Did not intend to miss the train to day so was up at 4.30 A.M. Left about 7. Arrived Port Herald at 10.30 Found my Batt there so I proceed no further. Pleased to see Uncle & Jock.

Wednesday 10th

Started the uneventful life again. Breaking myself into work once more. On fatigue this morning clearing ground on which to build a camp.

Thursday 11th

Having lost touch with Von Setow for 8 days the heads have got the wind up as was busy digging trenches this morning. Very cold & wet.

Friday 12th

Still keeps cold. Nothing doing before lunch. A small mail arrived but of course nothing doing for your humble. Fatigue on new camp ground.

Saturday 13th

A little drill before breakfast provided a change. Fancy having to work on a Saturday afternoon. The usual job.


The sight of a lifetime to see a train load of niggers on the S.H. Rlys. What a noise they make as they crowd into open trucks. And what a picture they make some standing & others almost sitting on top of the weaker.

Sunday 14th

Able to lay in a bit longer this morning. No work & nothing to do. Some try fishing. Like a bolt from the blue the order came to pack up. We’ve got to be isolated. Reached our new camp just before dark.

Monday 15th

Not too bad sleeping under the stars but the mosquitoes were busy. Cutting wood this morning to build Banda’s Chicken 3 times to day. After dinner sat around the campfire talking. It kept the "moses" away.

Tuesday 16th

Heavy dew last night. After breakfast we moved over into an old farmhouse. Reminded one of Billets in France. It is much more comfortable.

Wednesday 17th

Nothing much doing. Did about an hours fatigue. We are pretty free from mosquitoes in our new billet.

Thursday 18th

An hours drill before breakfast after which we had a lazy time. Started the foundations for an oven in which to bake our bread.

Friday 19th

After lunch strolled into Port Herald “poke yangue”. Stayed there for dinner. Strolled back in the dark tormented by mosquitoes. The baking day has not been a success. Loaves hard as bricks.

Saturday 20th

1 hrs work & then nothing doing save a little correspondence. The boys bread is more of a success than ours.


What one can buy at Port Herald for 2/-. 5 Chickens, 1 Duck & 1 Pig small.

Sunday 21st

What a lazy day. Nothing doing so I spend nearly all the day lying on the bed.

Monday 22nd

Cutting more wood to day. In the wood behind our billet monkeys are very numerous.

Tuesday 23rd

Got paid to day so after lunch strolled into Port Herald. I needed a little exercise as I had no work to do to day. Spent a merry day.

Wednesday 24th

More drill before breakfast. After that nothing eventful doing.

Thursday 25th

Howell left for Port Herald to take charge of Porters. To day the last of the Batt leave P.H. for Limbe. Only we are left. Nothing doing to day. Getting fed up.

Friday 26th

More drill this morning. Again after lunch in the so called cool of the evening. After dinner spent a musical evening.

Saturday 27th

Various orders floating round. I am to stay behind. O.C. Sick. Later I proceed I proceed with the Batt tomorrow & on arrival Limbe report to 4/1st K.A.R for a course in the Stokes Gun.

Sunday 28th

Getting up so early does not agree with me. Bad headache. O.C. Wapagari to day. Some job. Entrain at 9 AM. Arrive in Limbe at 7.30 PM. Work finished at 9 PM.

Monday 29th

Up about 4.30 PM. But found that I do not proceed with the Coy. Report to 4/1st K.A.R. & then am sent to Blantyre to M.G School. Reach there in time for lunch. Bitter cold & raining.

Tuesday 30th

Started work this morning at 9 AM finished at 11 AM. Not overworked here. It is very cold here. Afternoon spell from 2 to 3.30. A good mess here.

Wednesday 31st

Much warmer today. Had a stroll round Blantyre. Not too bad. Some good stores here.


Thursday 1st

Went firing the Stokes Gun this morning. Over the hills & far away. It is a very fine gun without a doubt. Rather windy of it at first. Very hot.

Friday 2nd

The course getting slower now. Went & saw the boys playing tennis. They are having the time of there life here. A bit different to cold???

Saturday 3rd

Nothing doing to day. Quite a long week end. Had a stroll round the town & spent a little time in the Rest Room.


Quite a nutty Church they have got at Blantyre. Built of brick and by natives I should think. It is very rough but the attempt at architectural beauty is quite good and worthy of note.

Sunday 4th

Strolled over to the Sports Ground and watched Blantyre play 4/1st K.A.R. cricket. Blantyre got whacked. In the afternoon went to the anniversary service in Blantyre Church.

Monday 5th

Spent our Bank holiday working. But not too hard. ½ doz chaps left for colours this morning.

Tuesday 6th

Went firing dummy shells this morning. It makes a long morning of it. Getting fed up again. Awfully windy in the night.

Wednesday 7th

Very cold today. Made a futile protest against doing Stokes gun drill with the niggers. They delight in heaping indignity upon indignity on us N.C.O’s

Thursday 8th

Very cold & windy. Had a stroll round the town and spent an hr in the reading room. After dinner toasted myself before a big roaring fire.

Friday 9th

Another route march. Firing live shell again. Saw Jimmie Stocks. Had a game of football after tea.

Saturday 10th

Another weeks work finished. Heard that we stay here for another week. Would sooner be on the road. Played 4 games of billiards at the Mandala.


Sent home photos of Blantyre Church. Back & Front view. Florrie Back & Avenue View.

Sunday 11th

Still keeps very cold. Spent a very quiet day. Did not even possess the energy to put my Boots on. Chicken for Dinner.

Monday 12th

No work to day. Before lunch had a stroll round Blantyre to get myself warm. Before dinner a little cricket warmed me up.

Tuesday 13th

Start work again & what a monotonous time it is. Football again after tea.

Wednesday 14th

Another holiday so go and have a game of Billiards before lunch.

Thursday 15th

Still another days coldness. Don’t know what to do to kill time. Watched the tennis players after tea.

Friday 16th

I am afraid I am getting old. The war is still going on & also the years are rolling by. A quiet Birthday not even relieved by work. After dinner visited James & watched the billiards.

Saturday 17th

A stroll down to James & a game of Billiards passed the morning. After tea went & saw the football match between Blantyre & 4/1st K.A.R. Result Draw. Bitter cold.

Sunday 18th

After Breakfast strolled over to Limbe. 12 mile there and back. Partook of lunch & dinner at the 4/1st K.A.R. Returned in the moonlight. Were lucky to get a lift in a motor.

Monday 19th

O.C Fatigue party now. Watched 8 Askari dig a big hole. Tried our luck getting money at the detail camp. May be successful.

Tuesday 20th

Everyone has got the wind up. Von Settow the Will of the Wisp is not far away. What excitement in camp several instructors warned to proceed on coloum. Got some money.

Wednesday 21st

Up at 4 AM ready to proceed on coloum. Some stunt. Entrained at 7 AM. Waited at Limbe until 10 AM and got out at Luchenza about noon. Camped about a mile from the station near the foot of the Mlenge mountain. Great excitement prevails.

Thursday 22nd

Continued our march round the foot of the Mlenge Mountain. Passed through the village of that name & through large plantations (coffee). Marched 18 miles. Camped at 2 PM & a bath or swim revived me wonderfully.

Friday 23rd

A 20 mile motor ride in the early morning was much appreciated. Splendid Country. I & Sgt Hosi were warned to start on Safari. So started at 10.30 Feeling rather seedy. Could not reach our destination. So camped out. Did 16 mile.

Saturday 24th

Off again at 4 AM. Arrived at Lupalu about 8 AM & had breakfast. Mid-day halted for tea. Arrived Chipweri 4 P.M. & found the others here. So our rush is finished. 17 miles.


On Friday we arrived at Kitchemlaa by motor car. Same day started Safari. On the road the Askaris killed a snake. 51 miles

Sunday 25th

Continued our journey in the rain. After 2 hrs march halted for breakfast which we had in the rain. Arrived in camp at 1 P.M. 14 miles.

Monday 26th

It rained all night & nearly all the morning, but still we continued our journey after breakfast. Reached camp at 2.30 P.M. After dinner got orders to pack & push on again. 14 miles

Tuesday 27th

No sleep as we started again at 10 PM. And what a stunt it was. As we neared camp we all got scared at the sight of hugh fires. Wofagozi bolted. Got into camp at 4 A.M. 12 miles

Wednesday 28th

Could get no sleep. 6 P.M. I go on advanced picquet. At 10 PM. Turn myself in to R Guard? As we are moving back to camp in rear. Marched 14 miles & arrived Nantuti 3 A.M. & turned in. nothing doing today so was thankful for a nights rest.

Thursday 29th

Had a good lay in. About 10.30 A.M. we made another start towards Regoni. Arrived at this camp about 3.30 P.M. A bit different doing the journey by day.

Friday 30th

Made a start at 4 A.M. I was Rear Guard. Arrived Regoni 11 A.M. & joined the Batt. Left at 2.30 PM for Luo River where we camped for the night.

Saturday 31st

Still treking. Made a start at 9 AM. & arrived in camp about 5 PM. Marched about 20 miles.


Marched about 106 miles this week.


Sunday 1st

We did not start until 3 P.M. Awaiting news until then. When it arrived it was good. March about 10 miles. Pitched camp 7 P.M. In the evening a few stray shots caused all the Porters to run away. What a row they made.

Monday 2nd

Off again at 6 AM. Halted for breakfast. Reached Lioma at 12.30 PM. Marched about 15 miles. Had a Banda Built in hopes of staying here a few days.

Tuesday 3rd

Still no rest for us. Off again first thing. No breakfast had but halted at 11.30 for 3 hrs. Reached camp for the night at 4.30 PM. Marched about 18 miles.

Wednesday 4th

Only a short march today as did not start until 7 AM. Arrived in Muletene at 10.30 & formed camp. Marched about 9 miles. Off again at 2.30 P.M. & marched to the Lurio river & camped there in the dark. 11 miles.

Thursday 5th

At last we get a days rest which is much appreciated. Get our clothes washed etc.

Friday 6th

Off again at 7 A.M. Changed direction. Back again to Muletene where we halted for lunch. Off again at 2 PM. & arrived in camp about 6 PM. Marched 20 mile.

Saturday 7th

Off again at 6 A.M. Halted for breakfast for an hour from 8 to 9. Arrived at Malema about 12.30 & camped. A lovely river here so enjoyed a good splash. 14 miles.


Marched about 100 miles this week.

Sunday 8th

No Safari to day so indulged in an extra hour in bed. What a treat to feel clean again.

Monday 9th

Off again on trek. Started at 6 A.M. & was nearly late. Did not wake until 5.30. At 8 halted for an hour for breakfast. Arrived in camp 1 P.M. 15 miles.

Tuesday 10th

Another start at 6 A.M. Halted for breakfast at 8 A.M. to 9 A.M. Another halt at 12 for lunch & started again at 2.30 PM. Arrived in camp at 5.30 PM. 22 mile.

Wednesday 11th

6 A.M. on the road again. 8 to 9 breakfast halt. 12.30 to 3 PM lunch halt in which we consume plenty of tea. Arrived in camp at 4.30 PM. 18 mile.

Thursday 12th

Arrived in Rebane about 8 A.M. & made camp. Off again at 4 P.M. & made camp at 5.30 PM. Total for the day 9 mile. Discharged Coy.

Friday 13th

6 AM. Finds us ready to move. Breakfast halt from 8 to 9. Mid day halt from 11.30 to 2.30 in which we console ourselves with tea. Left the road now for a narrow track. Made camp at 4.30 PM. 15 mile.

Saturday 14th

Same manner of travelling. Awfully hot & dusty. Camped for the night at 5 P.M. Marched about 20 mile.


At Rebane we picked up 200 herd of cattle & brought with us on Safari. Marched for the week about 100 mile.

Sunday 15th

Breakfast at Miubari. Mid day halt as usual. Camped for the night about 7 P.M. Fagged out. Marched about 22 miles.

Monday 16th

For a change we made a start at 8 AM. Marched 4 mile to water & halted for the mid day. Started again at 3.30 & reached camp at 5.30 P.M. So had a short day. 9 Mile. Had to set to & darn my socks.

Tuesday 17th

6 AM start this morning. Usual breakfast halt. Owing to the heat at midday we halted from 11.10 to 3.30. Camped at Miviti R at 5.30 17 mile. Lovely nights.

Wednesday 18th

Started at 7 A.M. No breakfast halt. Reached the Lurio crossing at 10 A.M. From there to the camp a distance of 1 mile it took us 2 hrs to do. Part of the river we crossed by bridge which was broken in the centre & 3 times we had to walk through parts. A lovely river. 9 mile.

Thursday 19th

Hurrah ! A day of rest at last so we can get cleaned up again. Did an hours parade at 4 P.M. Evening time is the best part of the day out here. Especially moonlight nights.

Friday 20th

Farewell the Lurio & now for MEDO. Started at 6 A.M. Usual halts. Water very scarce. Made camp about 1 P.M. 17 miles. When reaching camp so early we B.N.C.Os have to parade for Quinine. It is quite a meeting of the clans.

Saturday 21st

Usual routine. Water very scarce. Arrived in camp about 1 P.M. Marched about 15 miles. Bought about 30lbs sweet potatoes for about 2 yds of cloth.


Rations up on the 20th. Marched 89 miles this week.

Sunday 22nd

Another Sunday on Trek. Being a day of rest no doubt it influenced the Heads to halt early. So we made camp at 12 MD. Numerous water holes in the vicinity. 13 miles.

Monday 23rd

To my surprise we camped for the day at 11 AM. Only doing about 10 miles. We soon got the bed up & got down to it for a rest.

Tuesday 24th

Arrived at MEDO at 10.30 AM. Quite a decent Boma. We camped about 2 miles N of the Boma. Saw the 4/4 K.A.R. going by in motor cars. What will our luck be. 10 mile.

Wednesday 25th

Our luck is to figa mignu. For a change had a mid day halt. Water very scarce & the roads are very dusty. Made camp at 4.30 PM. Marched 18 miles.

Thursday 26th

Another 15 miles brought us nearer MESA. Made camp about 4PM. Wasted about 3 hrs at M.Day. Awful job to find water so had to go to bed unwashed. Just got enough to get a drink of coffee.

Friday 27th

Arrived in MESA at 8 AM. After breakfast proceeded to draw rations & have a wash etc. 2 PM. Made another start. 22 miles to go without coming to water so have to carry it all & use sparingly. Marched 16 miles.

Saturday 28th

12 ½ miles to march before we reached water. But we still had a drop to go on with. Arrived in camp 11.30 AM. Am feeling rotten to day. T. Cannon sent down for me he was playing up at the Boma. So I had tea with him & got a few cigarettes. He is a Lt now & got the DCM.


Marched about 95 mile.

Sunday 29th

Still finds us treking. Had a glimpse of old Tommy. 17 ½ miles brought us to camp for the night. Feeling better to day.

Monday 30th

An up hill trek to day so 13 miles was quite far enough. That brought us to Mahiwa. Can feel the sea breezes blow now. Received 4 letters.


Tuesday 1st

Same old start. Arrived in Mtuge about 10 A.M. A 10 mile trek. Rained early this morning so got slightly wet. But left off by 6 Am. & was lovely for treking.

Wednesday 2nd

Not much doing today but still not too much rest. Had orders to move after lunch but was cancelled. Sent into Bandara & managed to buy something in the skoff line. NO CIGARETTES.

Thursday 3rd

No 2 & 4 Coys left at 8 AM for Port Amelia. They are marching it so I don’t envy them. As for me I am having a complete rest cure.

Friday 4th

The 1/2nd marched in about 8 AM & marched out again at 4 P.M. I went & saw an acquaintance. Still resting. Spent a very convivial evening.

Saturday 5th

Still enjoying our rest. Able to get on with some correspondence now. Got a few cigarettes & tea etc.


In 42 days marched about 572 miles

Sunday 6th

The first Sunday’s rest we have had for a few weeks. So we have made the most of it. Lying a bed nearly all day.

Monday 7th

Made another start treking at 5 A.M. which meant getting up at 4 A.M. And what a scramble it was. Reached camp for the day at 10.30 AM. Doing 11 mile. Bad water.

Tuesday 8th

Arrived in Port Amelia about 10.30 A.M. A proper Switchback Rd. 15 mile march. In the evening played football & was on the loosing side.

Wednesday 9th

We do not sail today so we are enjoying a days rest. Spend most of the time at the YMCA drinking tea & eating biscuits.

Thursday 10th

The boat has not arrived yet so have to rest here until it comes. But we don’t mind. We are able to buy dainties & so are living well. A Rugby match provided great excitement & a concert at the YMCA finished the day.

Friday 11th

Not feeling so grand to day so kept very quiet. It gets very breezy here & blows the sand around & mixes up with the food.

Saturday 12th

Set off at 7 A.M. to board the “Hongmok”. But as usual had to wait about all day & got onboard at 5 P.M. Sailed at 6 PM. Had a lovely evening.

Sunday 13th

What a boat this is. It is a hard job to get water to make tea never mind a wash. We out sailed the “Ngoma”.

Monday 14th

Woke up & found we were in sight of land. Got ashore about 1 PM. Had to pitch a new camp. Had lunch & dinner at the Weisman. Found Mohamedi awaiting for me so engaged him again.

Tuesday 15th

Busy morning changing “Stokes” TM. Shells & Gun. Had dinner downtown & afterwards walked round the Native Quarter. A Mahommedan festival was in progress.

Wednesday 16th

Another busy morning spent in town. Got ½ of the S.G. Sec. Off (with the gun & ammo) in the evening. They are off to Dodoma I think.

Thursday 17th

An easy day. Whiled away the time writing. Had a walk to town after dinner to see the war news.
Friday 18th

Busy morning again. Off to town drawing Stores. Dinner at the Weissman.

Saturday 19th

Whilst here am attached to No1 Coy for work & rations but have not started yet. Spent the afternoon down the town.

Sunday 20th

Had to go to the Station & see 2 Askari off by the 9.50 train. Went to Church in the evening. It was crowded.

Monday 21st

B.O. Sgt to day. A draft arrived this afternoon from M’bagathi. An attack of fever drove me to bed early.

Tuesday 22nd

Had to stand about 2 hrs awaiting the arrival of Van Devanter who inspected us.

Wednesday 23rd

I & Moody of the 1/2nd went out to dinner with Sgt Warner. Quite a Durban gathering.

Thursday 24th

Had a few minutes with T Cannon. Also saw Heaton & Bellamy. Strolled down to the Institute.

Friday 25th

We had some field stunt on to day. Left camp at 6 A.M. & returned about 9 AM. Had dinner at 7 PM with a party of the 1/2 KAR Sgts. Spent a very convivial evening.

Saturday 26th

Do our 2 hrs work right off now. So are finished by 8.30 A.M. Got paid to day. Saw St Sgt Box of my home Reg. He is with the 1/2KAR now. Our Askari held an Ngoma. Pembe being plentiful.

Sunday 27th

Thankful for a day of rest as I am not feeling too grand. After dinner take a little stroll down town.

Monday 28th

Another Field Stunt on. Spent the afternoon down DSM. Also went down there for Dinner.

Tuesday 29th

Feeling rotten today so was glad when parade was finis. Drew another Stokes Gun this morning so no doubt I shall sever my connection with the Coy.

Wednesday 30th

Started work again on my own. Troubled with earache. So went & saw the Doctor but he can’t do much for me.

Thursday 31st

BOS to day. So am kept very busy. Orders to pack up. We leave DSM to night. Entrained at 7 PM. & left at 8 PM. Had a lovely evening.


Friday 1st

Not very comfortable during the night. Too crowded. Stopped for an hour at Movogovo & had Breakfast. Kilossa 2 PM. Dodoma 9.30 PM. Had dinner there.

Saturday 2nd

Still travelling & going strong. Arrived Tabora 4.30 PM. Had to change into another train. When loaded up found we had to stay here for the night. Giving to “Spanish Flue” I think. Walked to the town & nearly got lost.


Not a bad place Tabora. Fine open country.

Sunday 3rd

No1 Coy was here when I awoke. Still hanging around awaiting for orders. 4 PM. had to get out of the train hurriedly. 1/2nd took our place & we slept on the station.

Monday 4th

Was awake at 5.30 AM & given orders to move at 6 AM. Open drawn waggon came to cart our loads. Going 11 miles out. Got there but got no skoff not even a wash. Loads arrived about 8 PM. Bed tired about 10.30 PM. A most awful day. Fed up properly.

Tuesday 5th

Askaris are building their Banda’s first so we have to remain without shelter from the Sun.

Wednesday 6th

Still no Bandas started for us & in consequence of being in the Sun all day am not feeling too grand.

Thursday 7th

Made a start on our Banda’s to day but don’t get on very fast.

Friday 8th

Still on the same stunt. Awfully slow job. It is jolly warm here.

Saturday 9th

Got my Banda finished & took possession in the evening.

Sunday 10th

Swahili exam this morning. Pretty simple. I passed.

Monday 11th

Went & saw the Doctor this morning. He thinks I have got the Flu. 5 PM. News just received that hostilities have finished. Hooray.

Tuesday 12th

No work to day. Football match took place this evening. After dark a huge bonfire was lighted, Pembe distributed & an Ngoma held.

Wednesday 13th

Started work again at 4 PM. Waiting anxiously for more news to come through.

Thursday 14th

News is a long time coming through. We are getting impatient.

Friday 15th

Armistice terms through to day. We wonder what old Von Settow is going to do.

Saturday 16th

We are getting a few showers now. It is the start of the rainy season. Another football match this afternoon for a change the Batt won.

Sunday 17th

B.O. Sgt to day just because I was looking forward to a lay in. The natives had sports to amuse them in the evening.

Monday 18th

A continuation of the Sports took place this evening. They were highly amusing.

Tuesday 19th

Pity the poor Stokes we have to do an extra hrs parade now. Had a lecture by the C.G after parade.

Wednesday 20th

My job is getting awfully monotonous now. Same old thing every day. Turned a hut into a mess room to day.

Thursday 21st

The sick are returning back from Hospital now so our numbers are increasing.

Friday 22nd

Only did an hours drill this evening owing to a football match being arranged. We won again by 1 to 0.

Saturday 23rd

No parades to day. Kit & Camp inspection. In the evening played the Officers at football. They beat us by 2 to 0. My long lost kit turned up to day.

Sunday 24th

Spent a very quiet day resting & reading. Short stroll in the cool of the evening. Askari played football. Some game.

Monday 25th

Work again. After lunch had a heavy thunderstorm & it did thunder some. As expected got washed out.

Tuesday 26th

Some of the 4/4 arrived here to day. They are forming a camp here.

Wednesday 27th

Things are looking up. We have a ½ days holiday now every Wednesday. Played the Officers football again & we lost again by 3 to 2.

Thursday 28th

Orders came through after lunch that we were moving so I set to & did some carpentering. Played the 4/4th Football 7 after an exciting game we won 1 to 0.

Friday 29th

Made a start at 7 AM. I have a roving commission. The porters were very lively. Tabora at 12. Packed ammo into the vans & then lunch. Began our eventful journey at 7 PM in a prison truck.

Saturday 30th

Did not sleep very well owing to the jarring noise. Stopped for 3 hrs at Dodoma. Had lunch there. Off again at 5 PM. Enlivened the journey by sham fights.


Where we were camped all November was called Urumiuo.


Sunday 1st

Arrived Movogovo at 8 AM. 3 mile to our camp. It is up on the side of a hill. Very pretty & a very extensive view. Had our 1917 Xmas dinner to night.

Monday 2nd

No parades to day so had a good lay in. The Sgts we left behind arrived this morning. Very hot here.

Tuesday 3rd

Only fatigues to day so I again score having nothing to do. Had a lovely walk this evening.

Wednesday 4th

Still nothing but fatigues. Men not on fatigues are practicing for all the sports which take place on Saturday.

Thursday 5th

Drew some pay today so after lunch went down to the town. Not much doing. Finished up with a lively night.

Friday 6th

No 4 Coy arrived this morning. After lunch felt rather rotten. Later in the evening the M orderly sent me up to the hospital.

Saturday 7th

Not much wrong with me. Shall not be here very long.

Sunday 8th

Not a very decent hospital.

Monday 9th

No entry

Tuesday 10th

Should have gone out to day but the orderly overlooked it. So I have a bucksheesh day.

Wednesday 11th

Kicked out of Hospital today. Saw Jock Aves of the 1/3rd K.A.R. Played Footer in the evening.

Thursday 12th

Started work today with the Coy.

Friday 13th

According to rumours we shall soon be packing up now.

Saturday 14th

Batt Parade this morning. Had 3 hrs of it & got very fed up with it. In the evening an international match was played England v Scotland. England won.

Sunday 15th

The Sack at last. Bid goodbye to the Batt at 7 AM. Entrained at 8.30. DSM 4 PM. Put up at the Konig Detail Camp.

Monday 16th

What a camp this is. Skoff very poor. Medical inspection to night ready for the boat trip. Dinner at the Central.

Tuesday 17th

Boarded the Ngomo at 10 AM. Sailed at 3.30 PM. What a game. The sweat rolled off me like water. Awfully crowded. Had to hump our own kits aboard.

Wednesday 18th

Arrived in Kilindini about 7.30 AM but did not get off before midday. It was a glorious mix up. Got to Camp but no where to sleep. So we settled under a tree. Had a walk to Mombassa.

Thursday 19th

Much warmer today. We are still under the shadow of our tree. Not getting away today. After a so called dinner had another stroll round Mombassa.

Friday 20th

We are getting some awful skoff here. No luck to day. Went for a bathe this evening & after a stroll round the town.

Saturday 21st

Getting away to day. Travelling 30 in a truck. Departed at 2.15 P.M. Some picture when we all got down to sleep. Managed to get a few hrs shut eye.

Sunday 22nd

Still going strong. Unfortunately up to the present have not been able to get any skoff in the waiting rooms. Had lunch at Kiu. Arrived Nairobi 7 P.M. & was packed straight off to Mlagathe.

Monday 23rd

What a show cannot get any skoff & have got no money to buy any with. Got our first meal at mid-day. My ear is troubling me again.

Tuesday 24th

Got a pass to go into Nairobi to day. Went in on the tractor & nearly had an accident. Went & got 100 chips & got told off. Returned at 5.30 PM absolutely fed up.

Wednesday 25th

Owing to the fact of getting a bit of Xmas pudding we thought it was Xmas day. Otherwise we might have forgotten. Spent a very quiet day.

Thursday 26th

Another quiet day. Did not know what to do with ourselves.

Friday 27th

Had a muster parade at 9.30 & then finished for the day. Some of the Boys have not got over Xmas yet.

Saturday 28th

Should have gone out shooting but the weather was too bad so stayed in.

Sunday 29th

Had a stroll down to the Prisoners of war camp & spent a few hrs there.

Monday 30th

Had a route march this morning. They have formed a football league in camp. The first match was played this evening. NCO’s class won.

Tuesday 31st

Quiet day. Rain in the morning so no parade. Made out a list of kit in my possession. In the evening the 4th Reg played the 3rd Reg & after an exciting game it finished in a draw. Did not see the New Year in.


Mr W Stocks
50 Clarence Road

Miss M Shaw
198 Lambert Road

Miss M Cohen
P.O. Box 34

Mr R Todman
Corner of 6th Avenue & Clarence Road

Mr T Davis
212 Market Street
Nr Manchester

Sgt M G Muller
Field Artillery Bgde
Roberts Heights


Farewell Dear Friends – Farewell ! ‘Oh, now for ever, farewell the tranquil mind, farewell content.’ !

Life may Change

Life may change but it may fly not;
Hope may vanish, but can die not;
Truth be veiled; but still it burneth;
Love repulsed , but it returneth.

Ebony Trees grow near Port Herald. They are not Black right through but have a thick covering of ordinary wood. In consequence only the thickest branches produce Ebony. Thin branches have none.




I have taken it into my head to start the New Year with trying to keep a more detailed account of my doings day by day.

I want to try & make it my duty to faithfully record events & conversations, which will aid me in remembering trifles. Should I succeed I shall be more than satisfied with the little labour spend in writing & keeping it up to date.

I am afraid I have wasted a few days before the idea struck me & now it being a few days since the New Year dawned I am afraid it is hopeless to faithfully record what is past. So perhaps a few lines for each day will suffice. So here goes.

The fact that it was New Years Day did present itself to my mind very forcibly. The only advantage being that we were given a days holiday. Not that we needed it for every day is practically a holiday.

After lunch I & Baron had a stroll along the habblingstrand and waited a while in a shady spot.


We resumed our 7 AM Parade for a Roll Call. Again at 9.30 for the same purpose & then we were dismissed. So returned to our tents to kill time as best we could.

Put a pass in from Friday to Saturday. Intend going into Nairobi but hope before we go we will get paid out.


I got my pass alright, but unfortunately money to pay us out with has not arrived. So decided to go into Nairobi all the same. So I & Uncle Martin set out about 10 AM. No tractors being available we had to walk the 8 mile. I rather enjoyed the walk.

There was a nice breeze blowing & we made fairly good progress. Near Nairobi we came across Joe Baldock. He told us the latest runours which puts the limit of a few days before we leave Nairobi. But I am not putting much faith in rumours.

We decided to visit the Detail Camp first & see if we could obtain information about the Kit we left at Lindi. After making inquiries of various Sgts etc we eventually located the spot. But to our disappointment the place was closed.

It being now lunchtime we decide to go to the YMCA for lunch & return about 2 PM. So we at once made tracks for Nairobi.
Arrived at the YM in time to set down to a good lunch. We found McMillan, Baron & Kelly already installed there. We enjoyed a good feed at a cost of 75c.

Lunch finished we had a stroll round the town & then hiring a rickshaw we proceeded to the Kit Store again. Our luck was in & we found the Sgt in charge at home.

We soon found our kit & putting it in the Rickshaw we went straight to the car head. Arrived there just too late. Our kit we left there & returned to the YM & had tea, after which another stroll round town.

The town itself is not of much note it being awfully dirty & dusty. No doubt good for the Hotels etc. I bought a few small articles. Could not buy as much as I should have liked as every thing is frightfully dear & money with us is scarce.

The problem of getting our kit back to camp was a difficult one. We tried to hire a motor car but they wanted 20 Rs for the journey. That only left the Rickshaw. So we bargained with the ‘Boy’ & he agreed to take us to Mbagathi for 11 Rs. Had we walked it we would not have got in so quick. So to me it was well worth 11 Rs. Arrived back in time for dinner. After dinner we played ‘Donkey’ for an hour.


Being still on pass I miss parade today. Intended going into Nairobi again but no money has turned up so must content myself with staying in camp. Passed the hours in the usual way. A little read, a little sleep & a few calls paid.

The 4th Reg had a stiff football match on tonight. We played the BNCOs school, but they proved to good for us. At ½ time the score was I each but in the second half our team fell to pieces & eventually the school ran out winners by 4 to 1. So good bye the prize.


Sunday again & still no definite news. The camp is getting quite a big affair now. Every day finds fresh arrivals rolling up. Pass the day in the usual manner.

Quite a good football match took place to night between the 2nds & the 3rds. A well contested game ended in a draw. When it is too late the 2nds have got together quite a good team. It brings back old memories now to watch a football match. To see a crowd of spectators around the field & to hear the shouts of encouragement to the opposing teams is quite exciting.

After dinner we went to the Service in the NCOs Banda. It took the form of a thanks giving for the conclusion of the War.


Resumed Parade again. The 9.30 parade was devoted to a route march. It passed away an hour in gentle exercise which otherwise we should not have had. Came back & got engrossed in a book called ‘Dracula’. The most weird yarn I have ever read.

After tea went & saw the final of our little league. The match was between the 3rds and the NCOs school. After a very exciting game the 3rds won by 2 to 1 thus getting the prize which was 110Rs. Not at all bad when money is so scarce. No doubt the football gave them an awful thirst so guess the money came in handy to provide neckoil.

Hurrah ! definate news at last. Payout on Thursday & very probably leave on Saturday.

After dinner Uncle Martin came in & very soon we started an argument. Poor old Uncle is a card. He would like people to believe that he is better off than what he really is. He thinks that to get on one must be a clever rogue & swindle everyone. But I fail to agree with him. Anyhow we had quite an interesting debate & it passed the evening away very pleasantly. Towards the end Mcdougal came in and gave us the benefit of his opinions. But we were not greatly enlightened.


Parades as usual but no route march. Last day of rations & as usual nothing left. Lucky to get some curry & rice. After parade busied myself in making this diary up to date. Am afraid I have given myself some task. Whilst busy with it G Allen looked in & was highly amused to learn that I was keeping a diary.

Rations here are awful. Have had better on Safari. Lunch consisted of bread & meat & coffee with hardly any sugar. Have not had a decent meal since we have been here.

After lunch walked over to the 6/4th Duka and bought a few Photos. Came back & tried to read but fell asleep & had most enjoyable nap. Shoury about rations. Everyone is dissatisfied & some go to the extent of saying the acting quarterbloke is robbing them. So he got fed up with chaps coming singly for rations & so he dished them out to the Coy. But chaps who think they were the cause of the change think they have scored. But looking at my share I don’t think I shall be able to overfeed myself.

Tonight an open air concert was arranged. A stage was erected at the end of a large Banda. A beauty of open air concerts here there is no disturbing element to interfere with the singing. Silence reigns supreme. The first half was exceedingly good. The singing was splendid. But the second half degenerated somewhat. The last item which was the duet ‘Excelsior’ ended in a farce. Evidently they had visited the canteen too often. However we brought a pleasant evening to a close at 11.30 PM & so now to bed & sleep.


Short night sleep but woke up in time for roll call at 7AM. For a change the 9AM Parade was devoted to a short route march. When we got back we had to make out a list of articles we wanted to complete our home kit. My wants are few. That finished we went shopping & bought a few vegetables. We intend to start fattening ourselves up now ready for home.

Had great hopes of having a nap after lunch, but making out an allowance form put me right off of it. Allen came & kept us company nearly all the afternoon, but he did not make much noise.

They have started another football competition. So after tea the 4th Reg had to play the School. It was not a very exciting game, but it was in favour of the School. Ten minutes to go & the ball got busted. P Baron being the cause. So now it will have to be replayed. Lucky for the 4th.

Have thoroughly enjoyed our meals today. They have been quite tasty. We may manage better now. After the table was cleared we settled down to “Donkey”. Allen & Saunders making up the party. Kept it up until 9PM. Then Uncle came in & we started talking about Pay. Whilst here he settled up with me. From pay we got on to tricks etc but some got too smart so it was time the meeting closed. So now for a quiet read.


A little more gentle exercise at 9.30 AM. We did not go far, but sat & watched the other Regs pass. Truly we are earning our money. It is getting quite hot again here especially in the tent. We find it cooler outside. There is always an agreeable breeze blowing across the Athie Plain.

Put a pass in this afternoon in the hopes of spending the weekend in Nairobi, of course always providing the Paymaster does not fail us.

Finished the weird Book to day & it did not give me any bad dreams. Made a start on ‘The Ne’er do Well’.

The 2nd & 3rd were opponents at football to night. 3rd ran out easy winners by 4 to 0.

Rumours are busy flying round again, from the Bounty we are going to get when we leave this camp. “ I guess our Bounty will be very bountiful”.

After dinner my three Scotch pals got in a very ruminating mood & all they could talk about were their pre-war experiences. Not being interested I buried myself in a paper.


While we were at breakfast the glad news arrived that the Paymaster had put in his appearance, so now we are sure of getting some Pay. Started paying out at 9AM. I had to wait patiently until about 10.00. My word ! but I bet the Pay Staff have not done so much work since they joined. I got quite an agreeable surprise with my credit. I drew £10. After that went & drew some kit I indented for. At last I am the posessor of a British Warmer.

Tried to read after lunch but fell asleep. Sale of a deceased BNCO’s kit, but not much excitement there. After tea Sgt Warren came in & quite put the wind up me about my credit. According to him I shall be lucky if I get any credit at all. Wish he had kept out as now I feel very unsettled. Uncle Martin came in as well but he did not cheer me up much.

11PM. Slight commotion arose owing to a Banda catching afire.


Roll call at 7 AM & then parades finished for the day. Tried to settle down to reading but could not manage it. Cannot seem to get into a contented frame of mind here.

After tea went & saw a football match between the 3rd & 4th Regt. It was a strongly contested game & full of excitement. On the run of play the 4th ought to have won. But no doubt both sides were satisfied with a goal less draw.

After dinner sat arguing for a few hours. Plenty of topics. Finished up with studying the dictionary. McDougal was in rare form. Before retiring we had a fish supper.


Did not expect spending this Sunday at M’bgathi. However things are getting a move on now. Had to parade at 9.30 AM. They checked the roll of the first draft & we gave our names in ready to be put into Platoons. But at present I am just as wise as ever.

I am a bit off colour so am living on a milk diet. My half section P Barron has broken out again & so is roaming about the camp in a very merry mood.

Went to the Service in the large Banda after dinner, but there was very few there. Barron rolled in somewhere about mid night & flopped down on his bed. Was thankful he brought no bosom pals in.


What a mess falling in platoons this morning. We didn’t know where we were. Eventually we got sorted out & I find myself in No 2 Platoon. On the 9.30 parade they took another list of kit, also asked us how much luggage we had got. We had also to sign a document concerning demobilisation which we handed back. A copy we kept ourselves. So things are moving a bit quicker now & it really seems as if we shall be off shortly.

P Barron is still in an elevated condition. Expect he will make a day of it now.

Busied myself after lunch getting things ready to pack up. Transferred a pair of longs into shorts.

After tea the 4th played the 2nd. It was a very uninteresting game & the 4th were lucky to win by 2 to 0. Had a little walk after dinner & then returned & had a talk over old times in France. Was pleased to see my half Section return early & on his own. So got him to bed early.


3.30 AM Was awakened by the bugle sounding the Fall in. After repeated soundings at last I wakened to the fact that I had to Fall in. So put on boots & overcoats & paraded. Orders just come through to be ready to march off at 5.30 AM. Rifles will be drawn at Nairobi. They tell us some trouble has arisen somewhere. Where. Sijuu. Of course great excitement prevails & no more sleep. Have handed in beds etc & are now awaiting Breakfast.

Paraded at 5.30 AM & left M’bagathi at 6. Arrived Nairobi about 8.30 & some march too. Had a rest for an hour or so. Got an issue of bread, bacon & coffee 7 as soon as we got it we got the order to fall in again.

The first 4 Platoons in which is mine set off for the Station. About half way we received the order to turn back. Shoury Kwisha. Like the famous Duke of York who marched his men up the hill & then marched back again. It is some Army this is roll on when I am finished.

We returned to where we started & then got another ½ hrs rest after which we were told we could go into tents. And what a scramble ensued. I got into a Marque at first but it was awfully crowded. Tried to get a sleep but the wind was too cold. Later on we got our kit & then went & found a tent. We each got a hospital bed so we shall be more comfortable now.

Got cleaned up & then off to Nairobi for some skoff. We have very little today. We were lucky to get a seat in the Victoria Hotel & so had a very good dinner at a cost of 2½ Rs.

My 3 Pals did not show very good behaviour of Hotel dining. I know they went for a feed but they might not have shouted it out so loud. They partook of every course on the Menu.

After dinner had a stroll round Nairobi in the moonlight & finished up in the YMCA. Got back to camp at 10.30 PM absolutely tired out so did not need any rocking.


Had a jolly good nights sleep. Slept so heavily that I did not hear the S.Major come round shouting out to Parade, so in consequence was late on Parade but nothing was said. They kept us standing in the cold for nearly two hrs.

Handed in Rifle & equipment. Had to fill in clothing transfers & several other items. Managed to get some rations this morning. I scored. I drew for 4 men & the other 3 have not turned up for theirs. Spent the morning repacking.

After lunch went down town. Our first place of call was the Y.M. where we had tea. Then we visited various shops. I & Jock each bought a Colobus monkey skin, but it is not cured. Hpoe we can get them home alright.

Decided to return for dinner & a good job we did to. Haerd that we are off tomorrow & that Rev is at 4A.M. So get everything in readiness for the morning. Am feeling tired now so will away to bed.


Kit packed & away by the road by 6A.M. Paraded at 7AM. Went prepared to march but it was only a roll call. Ordered to parade at 10AM ready to march off. So knowing we would get no breakfast in camp we went down to the YM and had breakfast.

Marched off about 10.30 hedaed by the K.A.R. Brass Band, & didn’t Nairobi raise to the occassion. About 5 people waved handkerchiefs to us & cheered. Arriving at the Station we soon entrained. I was not lucky so got put in a long carriage with 39 others. Presently a few ladies rolled up with lime juice cakes & oranges which was very acceptable.

About 1.15P.M the train moved out. Two or 3 detonators were placed under the carraige to liven things up a bit. The few people waved & cheered & the band played Auld Lang Syne.

Rations of Bully & Bread were dished out at Kiu. The problem of sleeping wanting some solving but eventually I got down on the floor & slept fairly well.


Woke up at 6A.M. & found we had arrived at Voi. Then commenced a scramble to wash. After one or two attempts I managed it.

We are travelling fairly well. Find it getting warmer now. They ran us right down on to the Quay, arriving there about 1PM. As soon as they had unloaded the train Porters carried the kit on to the Barges. As soon as that was finished we boarded the barges & went across to the Ingoma. Then started the game of hiding seek looking for your kit.

Eventually I found mine alright. So shall be glad now when we settle down. But it is awfully hot below deck here: We sit doing nothing & the sweat pours out of us.

Saw Tull this afternoon. He has had a fine holiday. Also saw Overall he is just the same as ever. Made my bed up on the table.


Awfully warm below decks, but I managed to get a fairly decent sleep. Had a roll call at10AM., but there is not much room on this boat for parading.

Spent best part of the day on the Promenade deck reading, & eating chocolate & oranges. We are not on Ships Rations yet so have to exist on Bully beef & biscuits. The result is that everybody seems to me making tea at all hours of the day & as fast as you drink it so fast does it come out.

It is impossible to keep a dry shirt on. Even whilst writing this the sweat is pouring out of me.

This afternoon some more troops came aboard also a few more ‘civies’.

The old games of Crown & Anchor & House have started.

We left Kilurdini at 5PM. We were all on deck to see the last of Mombassa. The finest scenery one can see out here is to be on the deck of a homeward bound vessel & watch the fast receding shores.

Played Bridge in the evening with Nice, Ward & Wallace.


Had to sleep on the floor & it was in a filthy condition. Never seen a drop of water I should think. But despite the dirt I slept fairly well. Awoke this morning & found we were in sight of Zanzibar. By breakfast we had anchored there.

Then we were surrounded by small boats trying to sell their wares. Those selling oranges & Banana’s did a roaring trade. I had a feast of them & they were very nice.

One or two were selling ivory curios. One came aboard but he got his basket upset & needless to say after that he made a hurried exit minus his curio’s. After that no more came aboard.

What wonderful swimmers & divers these niggers are. We had about ½ doz round the boat diving for money. It was amusing to watch them & to hear them singing English songs.

12.P.M. Off again. Have not stopped so long as we thought. The sea is like a mill pond hardly a ripple disturbs the surface.

5.30.P.M. Anchored in Dar es salaam. Sorry to see this place again, I hope we do not have to disembark here. The A.S.C. details will have to & a fresh crowd are coming aboard.

Had a nice bath so feel a bit cooler, but am afraid that state of affairs will not last long. Found a better spot in which to sleep. Still on the floor though, but much cooler.


The drawback to my sleeping spot now is that I am awakened so early in the morning by the passing to & fro of the chaps from up above. When they start sleep is impossible.

A sad catastrophe happened at breakfast time. Jock Aves made some porridge & when we sat down to partake of it we discovered that he had made it with salt water. At first he blamed the porridge & said “Lets throw it out of the port Hole”, but we did not follow his advice, although we had to do with out the porridge he had made.

Loaded up a few motor cars this morning. Not much fruit going here. Managed to get hold of a few Banana’s.

Medical inspection after lunch then a bit of a speech by the C.O. He told us that Colonel Benson had provided a lot of extra rations for us provided we cook it ourselves. No doubt we shall manage that part alright.

We come on Ships rations tomorrow. So good-bye to Bully Beef & Biscuits I Hope. Although our little click has not been living at all bad. But under this new arrangement we shall be able to settle down better.


Started drawing our food in Messes this morning. A much better plan. Our first meal cooked on the ship was enjoyed by us at mid-day. It was not at all bad. Treated myself to a few Mango’s but it is not a fruit I can eat much of.

A lot more troops came aboard this morning & now we are somewhat crowded. It is not a comfortable ship with so many troops aboard.

Said good-bye to Dar es salaam at mid-day & I hope it is for ever. Very hot on deck so came below after lunch & had a nap. Got our first issue of bread for tea also cheese but that was too strong for eating.

Had a nice bath this evening. The sea keeps very calm.


Still losing as much sweat as ever. Hardly any good putting clean clothes on. It makes us notice the difference between ourselves & chaps with “stars” up.

Had to draw life belts this morning so now one sees chaps going about ship with their Belts under their arm.

After Ships inspection we had a foot inspection. Just like our wonderful authorities. When we were treking hundreds of miles no one bothered about our feet, but now we hardly use them they want to see them. I wonder what brilliant idea they have got for tomorrow.

It has been awfully oppressive to day. Hardly a breath of air stirring. I thought it was a storm brewing but so far everything is perfectly calm.

Had the pleasure of being present at a concert to night given on the boat deck. Of course it was not given for our benefit, but they could hardly keep us away. It was quite a select affair. We had a small orchestra composed of 4 violins, a cornet , drum, & a pianist. They played fairly well. Sgt Watt was the best singer of the evening whilst Sgt Marlowe kept the audience in roars of laughter. He was very funny. It was quite a high class concert.


Lost my beauty sleep last night. Was awakened at 4 A.M. by a great commotion. I thought it was time to get up, but it was only the outdoor sleepers coming down stairs to shelter out of the rain.

I soon found that I had to shift my position as the rain was coming through the hatchway. It came down the windchute like a river & soon I was huddled up trying to keep dry.

We had a bad thunderstorm. The lightning was very vivid. So needless to say I got no more sleep. When I went on deck I expected to find it awfully rough, but I was surprised to find the sea so calm, but there was a better breeze blowing.

Have been expecting a Fire Alarm all day but it has not come off. When it does come off we have to fall in with our life belts on & in our proper boat stations. But of course we have not got a boat we have to content with Rafts.

The sea keeps very calm just as if oil had been poured upon it. But it looks very pretty. Quite a deep Prussian Blue.


At breakfast time I am notified of the fact that I am mess orderly. Unfortunately I am feeling out of sorts so the job does not appeal to me. But I make the best of it & set to.

What a job it is especially after breakfast. We have to prepare for Ships inspection. Then all the heads of the Ship walk round & if things are not just so woe betide us. Some sweat is lost on this job.

Later. A better breeze has just sprung up & we can do with it to. Everybody expected a storm to night so there was a great rush downstairs to occupy good sleeping places.

Thankful to day is over. Don’t know how I managed to get through it. Hope I get a good night in.


Had a very good night & am feeling very much better. Have lost my appetite. No food at all yesterday & no inclination for any now. But try & force a little down.

On parade they wanted to know our home unit & our occupation.

After dinner we were in sight of land. Delogoa Bay I expect. Passed a Wind Jammer this afternoon. It look a fine sight with its sails set. Everyone is anxiously awaiting our arrival in Durban, & so say good bye to this “Tub”. The days do not seem to pass quick enough for us.


On going on deck found that we were out of sight of land. That’s not a good omen as we were expecting to reach Durban to day.

I can say now I have travelled in style on this voyage even if it was only for an hour. Went to the Church Service after the inspection which was held in the Music saloon. It was like old times to hear the females singing again.

This afternoon had another Medical Inspection. Feeling awfully unsettled now. Just heard a rumour & it betas all others. They say we are giong straight home on this boat & that we shall only stay in Durban a couple of days. I can hardly believe it but heaven preserve us from such a fate.

Later. It does not appear as if we shall reach Durban to night. Feel quite disappointed. I touch for a fatigue after tea. Shifting our kit down in the hold. My word but it was hot. A lot of S.A. came down looking for their kit, result, a glorious muddle as we chucked work. Had to have a bath after that.

Went to the Church Service again. Methodist style this time. I saw the biggest bit of cheek there I have seen for some time. On a table stood a ¼ lb tin of tobacco. One of the chaps coolly filled his pouch from tin notwithstanding the nature of his business there.


Going upon deck saw the familiar sight of Durban once again. We had to creep round for some time until the pilot came aboard. Got berthed in dock about 8.30. And then the excitement commenced. Whats going to happen to us. It seems pretty certain that we are staying aboard.

Just heard that we can put in passes to go ashore from 2 to 10. So what a a rush to do so. Now we are all busy cleaning up.

Later. Oh ! What a day this has been. One minute orders given the next we get them cancelled. Eventually we got some definate orders which was to parade at 2 PM with our overcoats & shaving kit etc. We are going to stay at Congella for the night. They are going to disinfect the boat & time too.

2 PM arrived & we were patiently waiting to disembark but the head’s were not ready. So sarcastic comments began to flow. One funny remark was that the Officers did not know the time as someone had stolen “the Starboard Watch”.

After nearly losing patience we disembarked at 3 P.M. Then we paraded on the Quay. A train was coming to take us to Congella. After waiting some time & no train arriving we decided to walk, but had not gone far before we met the train. So in we get & thus proceeded to Congella 1st class.

On arrival there we were put in huts & were supposed to draw 1 blanket each but no one wanted to do that. Instead there was a great rush to the Y.M. After a struggle we managed to get served & enjoyed a good egg tea.

It was getting late then so we decided to call down town. Had a rickshaw to the Town Hall. Then into West St Hut & from there on top the beach. It looked very stormy but the rain kept off. Back again to West St Hut & then a gentle walk back to Camp. We had to sleep minus blankets, but fortunately it was quite warm.


Up with the larks this morning. Supposed to parade at 7.30 A.M. but it was 8 before we fell in. No body knows what we have got to do. Oh! its a grand organisation this. We keep falling in & falling out & nobody gets any wiser.

Had breakfast at the Y.M. off of eggs. Parade again at 9 AM. for a Medical inspection. The M.O. just walked around the parade & then we were dismissed. A proper farce.

Still waiting for news. About 11AM. News came that orders for embarkation were cancelled for to day until tomorrow. So was glad of the respite. So had a wash & was off by 1P.M. Unfortunately it turned out a wet afternoon so it was a case of dodging the showers.

Had some lunch at the West St Hut & then went shopping. Bought one or two articles I needed. Then returned to the Hut for more refreshments. Afterwards bought a few souvenirs.

About 7PM went up to Clarence Rd to see Mr & Mrs Stocks. They were very pleased to see me. I stayed there until midnight, & then thought it was time I was returning to camp. Had to walk as far as the Town Hall, but then got a Rickshaw.

On my way home passed a Soldier lying asleep on a doorstep. I tried to rouse him & take him back to camp but he was not having any. So I left him to slumber in peace. Got back to camp about 1 PM. So no blanket again. It was much colder.


Felt a bit tired this morning but was not comfortable enough to lay in. Paraded at 8 A.M. As it was raining at the time had the Roll Call in the Huts. Orders to stand by so we go over to the YM for breakfast. I believe we are embarking today.

Spent the best part of the morning in the Y.M. Whilst there heard that we had to parade at 12.30 PM ready to march off so our short stay is ended. Now we are patiently waiting to get on with the journey.

Spent the rest of the journey at the Y.M. Whilst there received orders for embarking. Paraded at Midday ready to march to the docks. Naturally they took us round the back streets. Went by way of the esplanade. Went on board about 2PM. Same old boat. Some of the chaps turned up late & slightly elevated. They got their names taken.

The dock presented quite an animated scene with all the people present to see the boat off. I had some friends down to wish me a pleasant voyage. There were some amusing scenes on the dock with some of the fellows.

There was one chap on board & he had a very deep & loud voice & he kept singing “Away we go to fight the Foe”. Evidently that was all he knew of it for he never got any further. But the part that appealed to most was that he was an R.A.M.C. fellow.

We sailed about 6.30 PM & waved our adieu to Durban. Quite sorry to leave the place. I wish we had had longer time there. We got no tea on board or anything to eat. Lucky I and Jock thought about bringing some sandwiches from the Y.M.


Was awfully tired last night so had a good rest, but so far am not feeling much fresher for it. We have started the old routine over again. What a relief when we have finished with it all.

The boat is heaving about rather forcibly. After dinner the sea was much rougher. One could watch the White Horses. To tell the truth I am not feeling too comfortable. Should have done some washing but am not feeling in good form for it.

Later. Glad the sea has gone down a bit now & the boat is not heaving so much. Slung my hammock up tonight. Trying a sleep in mid air for a change.


It got awfully cold towards morning & where I was sleeping I caught it all. When I went on deck I found it was blowing very fresh.

More Life Boat drill this morning. After dinner got my washing done so as to be ready for Cape Town. Another Medical or shall I say “Foot” inspection at 3 P.M. We were told this morning that very possible we should go home on this boat & if we have any complaint to make about the Ship to make them now. I guess there will be plenty of complaints. We don’t want to go home on this tub.

Later. The sea is very rough now. The boat is heaving & rolling like a piece of cork & the sea’s are washing over the Foc’sle. And they want us to go home in her.



Was unable to make an entry today owing to rough weather. But what a day it has been. Woke up early in the morning with the cold so was glad when it was light. It was blowing a gale & the boat was rocking awful.

To improve matters I was orderly today & so it was a work of art to bring the food down intact. But some of the orderlies were not so fortunate & porridge could be seen on the floor. Whilst one or two slipped down the stairs from top to bottom.

The sea look awfully grey. Truly the roughest sea I have been in. At times the boat heeled over until I thought it would capsize. Towards evening the sun gained the mastery but the sea remained just as rough.

From 8 to 10 PM I was on guard in the hold. After that I found a spot to sleep. The boat was still rolling heavily.

Arrived Cape Town 24 hrs later.


Woke up and found all was calm & still. Thankful for it. We got into dock about 6.30 AM & then commenced a bustle to get ready for disembarking. Everything is going off this time so hope we don’t see her any more. Yesterday’s experience was enough.

I am on guard from 8 to 10 AM. Disembarked at 10 AM. Paraded on the Quay & eventually boarded a train for Wynberg. Arrived there at 11.30 AM & marched up to camp. Were told off to tents.

The good ladies of Cape Town had made arrangements for providing us with refreshments. So there was a rush for the good things. We started on Grapes then sandwiches & tea. Later on tea again & this time cakes, peaches, plums, cigarettes etc. They deserve our heartiest thanks for their trouble on our behalf. Shall never forget the treatment we have received from the people of South Africa.

Our kits soon came up, that is our valises. Finest bit of organisation I have seen since I have been in the K.A.R. We are 8 in a tent so not to much room when our valises are stown.

Towards evening went out for a walk round Wynberg. Very nice place. Some fine residences. Before returning to camp had some supper off of eggs & sausages. Was glad to turn in.


Feeling more like myself this morning. Had a roll call at 7. Had to listen to a telling off from the O.C. Draft. He seems to love us.

Busy all morning waiting for our kit to turn up. Eventually all mine turned up. So we could start preparing for Cape Town. The Ladies of Cape Town were here again with all their good things & needless to say they did a roaring trade.

Caught the 3.10 train into Cape Town & had a good look round the Shops. It is not a very large town. One soon does all the sights. I like Durban better. Table Mountain seems to overshadow one where ever you go. And the population you have a job to tell which are pure white. The majority seem half caste.

Had some fish & chips for a change. Quite good. Can get used to the light nights yet. Went & saw the Pictures. After that went & had a cup of tea. Saw Howell in Town. Thought he was home long ago. Caught the 10.25 train back. First stop Wynberg so we were soon back in Camp again tired out.


Got served out with serge on the 9 AM Parade. And a usual it fits where it touches. Fruit is very cheap here. All day long we are tucking into Grapes etc.

Get ready for Cape Town but it is 4 PM before we leave Wynberg. Just before we went out we erected some more tents. So now we shall not be so crowded.

Went into town by train. Quite a nice ride. Just before we reached town the wind became very hot. Rather unpleasant. It was like going through an oven. Had another look round the Town. Had dinner in Adderley St. Quite a decent feed.

Jock being unwell we returned to camp by train. Went in the Soldiers Club for an hour & then back to camp & bed. Still keeps very hot.


Very hot during the night so we lay talking until about 2.30 AM & in consequence only just rolled out of bed in time to get on the 7 AM Roll call. In the 9 AM Parade we draw belts. They don’t intend to let us walk about anyhow.

My half section has gone into hospital with Fever. Just my luck I am warned for inlying picquet today. So that puts a stop to Cape Town. Just because I wanted to go there rather particularly.

We had to parade at 2 & 6 PM. So contented myself with a stroll round Wynberg. Took my serge to be altered. Very hot again to day & very windy, which covers everything with this fine sand.

Very rotten tea we get in camp. My first experience of it. Was back in camp by 9 PM. So went & indulged in a bath.


Was kept busy from 9 to 12 making out acquaintance Rolls & then waiting for the Officer to decide how much money we could draw. Got fed up with standing about.

Not such a nice day to day. The mist is hanging over the top of the hills. Felt awfully tired after dinner so had a short nap. Then busied myself cleaning up.

Decided to go down to Cape Town so caught the 5.10 train. Saw Ward & Wood when I got out of the station so joined them. Had a splendid fish tea. Afterwards we had a stroll round the Pier. The other two had an appointment at 8 PM so when their friends arrived I pushed off.

Felt rather tired, so I caught the 9.25 train back.


On the 9 AM parade got politely told to go and clean up our lines as they were filthy. Some went but did not do much cleaning up. Instead spent a very quiet morning. For a change went over to the Institute & had lunch. It was quite tasty.

Caught the 3.10 to Cape Town. Decided to go to Camp’s Bay. It is a lovely ride. A circular tour which takes over an hour. The road runs between Table Mountain & the Lions Head through what is called Kloof’s Nek. One gets a splendid view over Cape Town & the Sea.

On arriving at the Bay we went in the swimming baths & spent an enjoyable hour splashing about. After which tea & cake was much appreciated. It got quite cold on the return journey. Had a late supper off of Fish & chips & caught the 10.30 train home. Rained in the evening.


At breakfast time this morning we were given an exhibition of scrapping. 2 of the Mess Orderlies had a short set to over a slight difference. The result I don’t know. Perhaps it will be continued.

Had a parade at 9 AM in full war paint & a general came & talked to us. He made one or two amusing remarks about money but on the whole his discourse was dry. Rain put an end to his speech or else he might still be rambling on.
We got paid out after dinner. Then I dressed myself up in serge & looked some what like a soldier. Caught the 5.10 train to Cape Town. After tea at the usual place when & did a little shopping. Bought a couple of feathers. In Adderley St saw a Whippet Tank giving an exhibition. It attracted quite a large crowd & no doubt plenty of money. Caught the 9.25 train back.


Had a bit of a lay in. Woke up & found it raining. It looks a miserable morning. Get warned for Ration fatigue & also discover I am Mess Orderly for the day after I have cleaned up. So do not go on Church Parade.

Instead I had a washing day. Plenty of rain so good for washing. Turned out fine after dinner so I went & saw J Innes. He is getting on alright now. Had no temptation to partake of tea in camp so went down to the Institute. Afterwards had a little walk & then back to camp before it was dark.

Getting quite an early bird, but I suppose I am getting some what fed up & want to be on the move again.


Paraded at 9.45 for another lecture. This time it was quite a good lecturer & was very interesting. His idea was to buck us up when we get back to civil life. Had another parade about 11 to enquire whether anyone wanted civil employment forms. What they are nobody knows so not many seemed to want them.

Set out to catch the “Buckshee” train, but just my luck it was knocked off. Got down to Cape Town about 3.30 and proceeded to inspect the shops & do a little shopping.

Had a fish tea at the old place & afterwards went to the pictures. The play pictured was Macbeth. It was very good. Had a slight supper at the Rest Hut, & caught the10.5 train home.


On the first parade got warned for Cook House fatigue. So after breakfast up to the Cook House trying to get messy Dixies clean. Had some tea on the job. After dinner had a few more to clean, but it did not take very long. So was out by 2.30.

Went up to the hospital & saw Jock. Went to the soldiers club in Wynberg for tea. Coming back saw Aves so joined him & we walked up to camp together.

Painted my name on my box again. Then supper at the Institute followed by a game of draughts with Aves. Got hopelessly whacked. So spent a very quiet evening. To finish up I went & had a bath.


On Medical inspection this morning to see how this country had affected our health. We all had to parade at 2.45 & march to Wynberg Town Hall. The ladies wished to entertain us.

Some of the chaps groused about it & were passing sarcastic comments about the Bun wallers’ etc. But I’ve noticed that those who shout & grouse loudest take care to eat most & are always in the front when anything free is going.

From the commencement things went with a swing & it turned out a huge success. We gave the ladies a rousing vote of thanks for their kindness. Refreshments were provided also a good concert. At the conclusion came back to camp & went over the Soldiers Home intending to write a letter but instead chatted with old Lads.


Was surprised to see Jock roll up in Khaki. He has got out of dock earlier than I expected. Busied myself writing my name on my valise this morning after Parade.

After dinner I & Jock paid a visit to C Rhodes memorial at Groote Schuur. It was some climb up to it, but well worth it. What a magnificent view can be obtained from there. No wonder it was Rhode’s favourite spot. Quite a fine memorial to him.

We had tae at the little cottage behind to our sorrow. They charged us 1/6 for 2 cups of weak tea & a little cake. So came back to Wynberg & had something to eat in the Soldiers Club. After which we went & saw the Pictures at the Town Hall.


On the early morning parade I got warned for Picquet again. So as that put a stop to going out anywhere I busied myself by painting or rather writing names on various boxes for different chaps. Getting back to old times again. It was getting on for 4.30 PM before I had finished.

Then I started packing up & sorting out my kit ready for the morrow.

After we had paraded at 6 PM I took a little stroll down to Wynberg & partook of tea in the Soldiers club. The only place where one can really get a really good cup of tea.

Returned to camp quite early. About 400 troops off of the “Durham Castle” arrived in camp to day.


Busy morning getting boxes ready for despatch to the Ingama. Hope my two reach their destination safely & in good condition. They went away before dinner time. I had another washing day.

After dinner I settled down to a nice nap when Jock came & persuaded me to go to the races which were being held at Kenilworth. Got their about 3 & found quite an animated crowd there. It was quite like Peace time.

The racing was quite exciting & we witnessed some close finishes. On the last race we managed to scrape together 5/- & we put that on a horse called Nugget. Needless to say it did not win but it was a close finish. Finished the evening at the Pictures.


Getting ready for Church Parade when I was warned for Sanitary Fatigue. So needless to say I did not go to Church. Instead I did a little more sign writing. Two more chaps wanted their names putting on their kit.

Did not go out until 5 PM then went & had tea at the Soldiers Club. Some young Lady was entertaining us whilst we had tae by singing to us. And she sang splendidly.

Afterwards we had a country stroll & we struck a small Wesleyan Church. So we went to the Service & listened to a very good discourse. Quite like an English village Church.

Stroll back to the Club & then home again to camp.


Had to be up smart this morning & pack up our valises ready for transport. Turned out a dull morning. Fine rain at times & quite cold. Now patiently waiting to march off. Getting anxious now & eager to be off.

Paraded at 1.15 PM & marched to the station where we entrained for the docks. Went on board immediately where we were put in Messes. In a different part of the ship this time. They have made a change in the old boat.

Quite lively on the Quay with chaps rolling up late. K.A.R.s were good this time. Sailed at 7 PM for the last voyage.

So farewell to Cape Town & now for England, Home & Beauty. The sea was very choppy & the wind very strong. So the boat rolled somewhat & not a few were sick. I was alright.


Had a most glorious sleep although very crowded. I slept in a hammock therefore I was suspended. We are all 6 & 7s as yet. It will take a few days to get settled down.

Started the mornings parade’s again & after which listened to a short lecture by Col Benson on cleanliness. In the afternoon had a Medical Inspection. They have soon started them.

We are speeding along fairly well. Rolling a little but the sea is fairly calm. It has been a lovely day. Hope the good weather continues. We are just beginning to realize now that we are homeward bound.


Had some boat station & life belt drill. As usual we have no boats.

After dinner managed to get a place on the Promenade deck in which we could rest our weary bones, but there was not much rest. Stayed there until it was time for Quinine Parade.

There are some little children on board & they are getting quite chummy with all the Soldiers. One sees them trotting all over the ship even down on the mess deck escorted by a soldier.

Every day we are anxious to know how many miles we have done, & our usual greeting to one another is, well only another 19 or 18 (or whatever amount it may be) days before we reach Blighty. So the fever is growing. Still going strong & a lovely day.


Still going strong & quite calm. We have got a Bugler on board now & naturally his first appearance was greeted with loud cheers.

The game of House & Crown & Anchor is in full swing now. So now one cannot get away from the insistent shouting of numbers. It spoils one’s rest & gets on one’s nerves.

Compulsory bathing is the order of the day now. Like a lot of school children we had to parade for it dressed in overcoats & boots. It is only a shower bath of sea water so it’s a case of we’re in & we’re out. It is beginning to get a bit warmer now.


Was awakened by Jock to partake of some tea. In obeyance of orders I had my hair cut but did not have a close crop. Up till mid-day we had done 1182 miles. So we are gradually wiping the miles off.

How hungry we get on this boat. Everybody is busy eating his food at least ½ an hour before the tae appears. Our tea usually consists of bread & butter & cheese & (an onion usually purloined.)

To night whilst interested in tea one of the boards on top of the hatch way came tumbling down on to our deck. On looking up we saw a chap hanging by his hands from the hatch. Evidently he had been sitting on this board when it disappeared. Of course he was greeted with loud cheers & laughter. Luckily he was unhurt


After breakfast it came on a fine drizzle & it looked as if we were in for a storm, but luckily it cleared away & turned into a lovely day. Bathing Parade again & afterwards whilst I was lightly clad I did my washing & now I am all dressed up.

Some comforts were given out to day. Each man got 3 Pkts of cigarettes & each table a pack of playing cards. The above were given by the Ladies of South Africa.

To night a concert has been arranged. The first of the season. It was well patronized with a very appreciative audience. It helped to break the monotony of the voyage. It was quite good.

Marlow was in good form with the sarcastic comments. But it is a pity that the same artists appear every time. They will get stale.


Sunday on the rolling ocean. It is a lovely morning. Everything so calm & peaceful. Not a cloud to be seen & only the foam as the boat cuts through the water disturbs the lovely blue of the sea. And we keep gliding along with hardly a motion.

The Skipper & his numerous statelites did not come round inspecting the ship. Perahps they had an extra lay in.

Went to the Church Service so had a comfortable hour in the Music Saloon. I am rather backward in going to such services. Don’t like making an exhibition of myself, but Jock going I went.

After dinner tried to sleep but couldn’t. It was too hot. Spent another pleasant hour after tea in the Music saloon.


Still gliding along smoothly & calmly. Since we started have not seen a sign of anything else. Morning after morning we awake to the same old scene. How far we have gone & how many miles we have done in the last 24 hrs causes great arguments. It is full of interest in fact sweepstakes are got up on that question now. Anything to cause a bit of excitement.

At midday we had done about 2242 miles. Since leaving Cape Town we have put our watches back about 2 ¼ hrs. It is hotter than ever to day. I guess we are nearing the line now. 5 ½o South I believe.


Found it unbearably hot this morning. Not a breath of air stirring. Suddenly the horizon grew dark & we found ourselves gradually approaching it. And then what a transformation scene. The wind blew & presently down came the rain & the air was quite cool. We hurriedly dashed for shelter.

Instead of the usual inspection we had a life boat practice. We were all on parade awaiting the Inspection when suddenly the Syren started followed by the Ships Bells. So we made a dash below for life Belts. And what confusion reigned for a few minutes. What hopes were it in reality.

Bathing parade again. Don’t know whether we have crossed the line yet.


It seems pretty certain that we crossed the Line yesterday, but they kept the occasion very quiet. Popular opinion is inclined to think that we crossed it during the sudden storm yesterday.

This voyage seems to me to be like a great ship in the centre of an immense circle & no matter how fast she sails she cannot any further than the centre & the poor sailor has only this vast circle to greet his weary eyes.

But this morning another ship appeared in our circle for a little while & then disappeared. So we know this vast ring will be broken sometime.

Did a little washing to day & lost a great amount of sweat. Very hot. Our milage is now 2781.


It was awfully close last night & in consequence did not get a very good nights rest.

Instead of the usual Ships Inspection we had a Medical Inspection. On the look out for “Scabies” I suppose. After dinner Bathing broke up the afternoon.

We have not got so much room to enjoy the sea breezes now & goodness knows we need them enough. The reason being that they are painting the ship. Fancy doing that when so crowded, but there we do not count.

Still very hot & the sea quite calm. My half section is very curious as to what I write in this book, but I’m afraid his curiosity will not get satisfied.


Nothing startling to relate & so the monotony remains unbroken. Did a little washing after dinner. That is about all one can do to pass the time away.

One cannot enjoy a comfortable read in this crowded Ship. Have just finished reading the Life of Elizabeth. Found it very interesting & instructive.

The order has gone forth that Helmets & Shorts will not be worn any more. We are gradually severing our ties with Africa.

Very cold on deck so did not stay up there long. Not too warm down below now.