I have taken it into my head to start the New Year with trying to keep a more detailed account of my doings day by day.
I want to try & make it my duty to faithfully record events & conversations, which will aid me in remembering trifles. Should I succeed I shall be more than satisfied with the little labour spend in writing & keeping it up to date.
I am afraid I have wasted a few days before the idea struck me & now it being a few days since the New Year dawned I am afraid it is hopeless to faithfully record what is past. So perhaps a few lines for each day will suffice. So here goes.
The fact that it was New Years Day did present itself to my mind very forcibly. The only advantage being that we were given a days holiday. Not that we needed it for every day is practically a holiday.
After lunch I & Baron had a stroll along the habblingstrand and waited a while in a shady spot.
We resumed our 7 AM Parade for a Roll Call. Again at 9.30 for the same purpose & then we were dismissed. So returned to our tents to kill time as best we could.
Put a pass in from Friday to Saturday. Intend going into Nairobi but hope before we go we will get paid out.
I got my pass alright, but unfortunately money to pay us out with has not arrived. So decided to go into Nairobi all the same. So I & Uncle Martin set out about 10 AM. No tractors being available we had to walk the 8 mile. I rather enjoyed the walk.
There was a nice breeze blowing & we made fairly good progress. Near Nairobi we came across Joe Baldock. He told us the latest runours which puts the limit of a few days before we leave Nairobi. But I am not putting much faith in rumours.
We decided to visit the Detail Camp first & see if we could obtain information about the Kit we left at Lindi. After making inquiries of various Sgts etc we eventually located the spot. But to our disappointment the place was closed.
It being now lunchtime we decide to go to the YMCA for lunch & return about 2 PM. So we at once made tracks for Nairobi.
Arrived at the YM in time to set down to a good lunch. We found McMillan, Baron & Kelly already installed there. We enjoyed a good feed at a cost of 75c.
Lunch finished we had a stroll round the town & then hiring a rickshaw we proceeded to the Kit Store again. Our luck was in & we found the Sgt in charge at home.
We soon found our kit & putting it in the Rickshaw we went straight to the car head. Arrived there just too late. Our kit we left there & returned to the YM & had tea, after which another stroll round town.
The town itself is not of much note it being awfully dirty & dusty. No doubt good for the Hotels etc. I bought a few small articles. Could not buy as much as I should have liked as every thing is frightfully dear & money with us is scarce.
The problem of getting our kit back to camp was a difficult one. We tried to hire a motor car but they wanted 20 Rs for the journey. That only left the Rickshaw. So we bargained with the ‘Boy’ & he agreed to take us to Mbagathi for 11 Rs. Had we walked it we would not have got in so quick. So to me it was well worth 11 Rs. Arrived back in time for dinner. After dinner we played ‘Donkey’ for an hour.
4.1.19Being still on pass I miss parade today. Intended going into Nairobi again but no money has turned up so must content myself with staying in camp. Passed the hours in the usual way. A little read, a little sleep & a few calls paid.
The 4th Reg had a stiff football match on tonight. We played the BNCOs school, but they proved to good for us. At ½ time the score was I each but in the second half our team fell to pieces & eventually the school ran out winners by 4 to 1. So good bye the prize.
Sunday again & still no definite news. The camp is getting quite a big affair now. Every day finds fresh arrivals rolling up. Pass the day in the usual manner.
Quite a good football match took place to night between the 2nds & the 3rds. A well contested game ended in a draw. When it is too late the 2nds have got together quite a good team. It brings back old memories now to watch a football match. To see a crowd of spectators around the field & to hear the shouts of encouragement to the opposing teams is quite exciting.
After dinner we went to the Service in the NCOs Banda. It took the form of a thanks giving for the conclusion of the War.
6.1.19Resumed Parade again. The 9.30 parade was devoted to a route march. It passed away an hour in gentle exercise which otherwise we should not have had. Came back & got engrossed in a book called ‘Dracula’. The most weird yarn I have ever read.
After tea went & saw the final of our little league. The match was between the 3rds and the NCOs school. After a very exciting game the 3rds won by 2 to 1 thus getting the prize which was 110Rs. Not at all bad when money is so scarce. No doubt the football gave them an awful thirst so guess the money came in handy to provide neckoil.
Hurrah ! definate news at last. Payout on Thursday & very probably leave on Saturday.
After dinner Uncle Martin came in & very soon we started an argument. Poor old Uncle is a card. He would like people to believe that he is better off than what he really is. He thinks that to get on one must be a clever rogue & swindle everyone. But I fail to agree with him. Anyhow we had quite an interesting debate & it passed the evening away very pleasantly. Towards the end Mcdougal came in and gave us the benefit of his opinions. But we were not greatly enlightened.
7.1.19Parades as usual but no route march. Last day of rations & as usual nothing left. Lucky to get some curry & rice. After parade busied myself in making this diary up to date. Am afraid I have given myself some task. Whilst busy with it G Allen looked in & was highly amused to learn that I was keeping a diary.
Rations here are awful. Have had better on Safari. Lunch consisted of bread & meat & coffee with hardly any sugar. Have not had a decent meal since we have been here.
After lunch walked over to the 6/4th Duka and bought a few Photos. Came back & tried to read but fell asleep & had most enjoyable nap. Shoury about rations. Everyone is dissatisfied & some go to the extent of saying the acting quarterbloke is robbing them. So he got fed up with chaps coming singly for rations & so he dished them out to the Coy. But chaps who think they were the cause of the change think they have scored. But looking at my share I don’t think I shall be able to overfeed myself.
Tonight an open air concert was arranged. A stage was erected at the end of a large Banda. A beauty of open air concerts here there is no disturbing element to interfere with the singing. Silence reigns supreme. The first half was exceedingly good. The singing was splendid. But the second half degenerated somewhat. The last item which was the duet ‘Excelsior’ ended in a farce. Evidently they had visited the canteen too often. However we brought a pleasant evening to a close at 11.30 PM & so now to bed & sleep.
8.1.19Short night sleep but woke up in time for roll call at 7AM. For a change the 9AM Parade was devoted to a short route march. When we got back we had to make out a list of articles we wanted to complete our home kit. My wants are few. That finished we went shopping & bought a few vegetables. We intend to start fattening ourselves up now ready for home.
Had great hopes of having a nap after lunch, but making out an allowance form put me right off of it. Allen came & kept us company nearly all the afternoon, but he did not make much noise.
They have started another football competition. So after tea the 4th Reg had to play the School. It was not a very exciting game, but it was in favour of the School. Ten minutes to go & the ball got busted. P Baron being the cause. So now it will have to be replayed. Lucky for the 4th.
Have thoroughly enjoyed our meals today. They have been quite tasty. We may manage better now. After the table was cleared we settled down to “Donkey”. Allen & Saunders making up the party. Kept it up until 9PM. Then Uncle came in & we started talking about Pay. Whilst here he settled up with me. From pay we got on to tricks etc but some got too smart so it was time the meeting closed. So now for a quiet read.
9.1.19A little more gentle exercise at 9.30 AM. We did not go far, but sat & watched the other Regs pass. Truly we are earning our money. It is getting quite hot again here especially in the tent. We find it cooler outside. There is always an agreeable breeze blowing across the Athie Plain.
Put a pass in this afternoon in the hopes of spending the weekend in Nairobi, of course always providing the Paymaster does not fail us.
Finished the weird Book to day & it did not give me any bad dreams. Made a start on ‘The Ne’er do Well’.
The 2nd & 3rd were opponents at football to night. 3rd ran out easy winners by 4 to 0.
Rumours are busy flying round again, from the Bounty we are going to get when we leave this camp. “ I guess our Bounty will be very bountiful”.
After dinner my three Scotch pals got in a very ruminating mood & all they could talk about were their pre-war experiences. Not being interested I buried myself in a paper.
While we were at breakfast the glad news arrived that the Paymaster had put in his appearance, so now we are sure of getting some Pay. Started paying out at 9AM. I had to wait patiently until about 10.00. My word ! but I bet the Pay Staff have not done so much work since they joined. I got quite an agreeable surprise with my credit. I drew £10. After that went & drew some kit I indented for. At last I am the posessor of a British Warmer.
Tried to read after lunch but fell asleep. Sale of a deceased BNCO’s kit, but not much excitement there. After tea Sgt Warren came in & quite put the wind up me about my credit. According to him I shall be lucky if I get any credit at all. Wish he had kept out as now I feel very unsettled. Uncle Martin came in as well but he did not cheer me up much.
11PM. Slight commotion arose owing to a Banda catching afire.
11.1.19Roll call at 7 AM & then parades finished for the day. Tried to settle down to reading but could not manage it. Cannot seem to get into a contented frame of mind here.
After tea went & saw a football match between the 3rd & 4th Regt. It was a strongly contested game & full of excitement. On the run of play the 4th ought to have won. But no doubt both sides were satisfied with a goal less draw.
After dinner sat arguing for a few hours. Plenty of topics. Finished up with studying the dictionary. McDougal was in rare form. Before retiring we had a fish supper.
Did not expect spending this Sunday at M’bgathi. However things are getting a move on now. Had to parade at 9.30 AM. They checked the roll of the first draft & we gave our names in ready to be put into Platoons. But at present I am just as wise as ever.
I am a bit off colour so am living on a milk diet. My half section P Barron has broken out again & so is roaming about the camp in a very merry mood.
Went to the Service in the large Banda after dinner, but there was very few there. Barron rolled in somewhere about mid night & flopped down on his bed. Was thankful he brought no bosom pals in.
13.1.19What a mess falling in platoons this morning. We didn’t know where we were. Eventually we got sorted out & I find myself in No 2 Platoon. On the 9.30 parade they took another list of kit, also asked us how much luggage we had got. We had also to sign a document concerning demobilisation which we handed back. A copy we kept ourselves. So things are moving a bit quicker now & it really seems as if we shall be off shortly.
P Barron is still in an elevated condition. Expect he will make a day of it now.
Busied myself after lunch getting things ready to pack up. Transferred a pair of longs into shorts.
After tea the 4th played the 2nd. It was a very uninteresting game & the 4th were lucky to win by 2 to 0. Had a little walk after dinner & then returned & had a talk over old times in France. Was pleased to see my half Section return early & on his own. So got him to bed early.
3.30 AM Was awakened by the bugle sounding the Fall in. After repeated soundings at last I wakened to the fact that I had to Fall in. So put on boots & overcoats & paraded. Orders just come through to be ready to march off at 5.30 AM. Rifles will be drawn at Nairobi. They tell us some trouble has arisen somewhere. Where. Sijuu. Of course great excitement prevails & no more sleep. Have handed in beds etc & are now awaiting Breakfast.
Paraded at 5.30 AM & left M’bagathi at 6. Arrived Nairobi about 8.30 & some march too. Had a rest for an hour or so. Got an issue of bread, bacon & coffee 7 as soon as we got it we got the order to fall in again.
The first 4 Platoons in which is mine set off for the Station. About half way we received the order to turn back. Shoury Kwisha. Like the famous Duke of York who marched his men up the hill & then marched back again. It is some Army this is roll on when I am finished.
We returned to where we started & then got another ½ hrs rest after which we were told we could go into tents. And what a scramble ensued. I got into a Marque at first but it was awfully crowded. Tried to get a sleep but the wind was too cold. Later on we got our kit & then went & found a tent. We each got a hospital bed so we shall be more comfortable now.
Got cleaned up & then off to Nairobi for some skoff. We have very little today. We were lucky to get a seat in the Victoria Hotel & so had a very good dinner at a cost of 2½ Rs.
My 3 Pals did not show very good behaviour of Hotel dining. I know they went for a feed but they might not have shouted it out so loud. They partook of every course on the Menu.
After dinner had a stroll round Nairobi in the moonlight & finished up in the YMCA. Got back to camp at 10.30 PM absolutely tired out so did not need any rocking.
Had a jolly good nights sleep. Slept so heavily that I did not hear the S.Major come round shouting out to Parade, so in consequence was late on Parade but nothing was said. They kept us standing in the cold for nearly two hrs.
Handed in Rifle & equipment. Had to fill in clothing transfers & several other items. Managed to get some rations this morning. I scored. I drew for 4 men & the other 3 have not turned up for theirs. Spent the morning repacking.
After lunch went down town. Our first place of call was the Y.M. where we had tea. Then we visited various shops. I & Jock each bought a Colobus monkey skin, but it is not cured. Hpoe we can get them home alright.
Decided to return for dinner & a good job we did to. Haerd that we are off tomorrow & that Rev is at 4A.M. So get everything in readiness for the morning. Am feeling tired now so will away to bed.
Kit packed & away by the road by 6A.M. Paraded at 7AM. Went prepared to march but it was only a roll call. Ordered to parade at 10AM ready to march off. So knowing we would get no breakfast in camp we went down to the YM and had breakfast.
Marched off about 10.30 hedaed by the K.A.R. Brass Band, & didn’t Nairobi raise to the occassion. About 5 people waved handkerchiefs to us & cheered. Arriving at the Station we soon entrained. I was not lucky so got put in a long carriage with 39 others. Presently a few ladies rolled up with lime juice cakes & oranges which was very acceptable.
About 1.15P.M the train moved out. Two or 3 detonators were placed under the carraige to liven things up a bit. The few people waved & cheered & the band played Auld Lang Syne.
Rations of Bully & Bread were dished out at Kiu. The problem of sleeping wanting some solving but eventually I got down on the floor & slept fairly well.
17.1.19Woke up at 6A.M. & found we had arrived at Voi. Then commenced a scramble to wash. After one or two attempts I managed it.
We are travelling fairly well. Find it getting warmer now. They ran us right down on to the Quay, arriving there about 1PM. As soon as they had unloaded the train Porters carried the kit on to the Barges. As soon as that was finished we boarded the barges & went across to the Ingoma. Then started the game of hiding seek looking for your kit.
Eventually I found mine alright. So shall be glad now when we settle down. But it is awfully hot below deck here: We sit doing nothing & the sweat pours out of us.
Saw Tull this afternoon. He has had a fine holiday. Also saw Overall he is just the same as ever. Made my bed up on the table.
18.1.19Awfully warm below decks, but I managed to get a fairly decent sleep. Had a roll call at10AM., but there is not much room on this boat for parading.
Spent best part of the day on the Promenade deck reading, & eating chocolate & oranges. We are not on Ships Rations yet so have to exist on Bully beef & biscuits. The result is that everybody seems to me making tea at all hours of the day & as fast as you drink it so fast does it come out.
It is impossible to keep a dry shirt on. Even whilst writing this the sweat is pouring out of me.
This afternoon some more troops came aboard also a few more ‘civies’.
The old games of Crown & Anchor & House have started.
We left Kilurdini at 5PM. We were all on deck to see the last of Mombassa. The finest scenery one can see out here is to be on the deck of a homeward bound vessel & watch the fast receding shores.
Played Bridge in the evening with Nice, Ward & Wallace.
Had to sleep on the floor & it was in a filthy condition. Never seen a drop of water I should think. But despite the dirt I slept fairly well. Awoke this morning & found we were in sight of Zanzibar. By breakfast we had anchored there.
Then we were surrounded by small boats trying to sell their wares. Those selling oranges & Banana’s did a roaring trade. I had a feast of them & they were very nice.
One or two were selling ivory curios. One came aboard but he got his basket upset & needless to say after that he made a hurried exit minus his curio’s. After that no more came aboard.
What wonderful swimmers & divers these niggers are. We had about ½ doz round the boat diving for money. It was amusing to watch them & to hear them singing English songs.
12.P.M. Off again. Have not stopped so long as we thought. The sea is like a mill pond hardly a ripple disturbs the surface.
5.30.P.M. Anchored in Dar es salaam. Sorry to see this place again, I hope we do not have to disembark here. The A.S.C. details will have to & a fresh crowd are coming aboard.
Had a nice bath so feel a bit cooler, but am afraid that state of affairs will not last long. Found a better spot in which to sleep. Still on the floor though, but much cooler.
20.1.19The drawback to my sleeping spot now is that I am awakened so early in the morning by the passing to & fro of the chaps from up above. When they start sleep is impossible.
A sad catastrophe happened at breakfast time. Jock Aves made some porridge & when we sat down to partake of it we discovered that he had made it with salt water. At first he blamed the porridge & said “Lets throw it out of the port Hole”, but we did not follow his advice, although we had to do with out the porridge he had made.
Loaded up a few motor cars this morning. Not much fruit going here. Managed to get hold of a few Banana’s.
Medical inspection after lunch then a bit of a speech by the C.O. He told us that Colonel Benson had provided a lot of extra rations for us provided we cook it ourselves. No doubt we shall manage that part alright.
We come on Ships rations tomorrow. So good-bye to Bully Beef & Biscuits I Hope. Although our little click has not been living at all bad. But under this new arrangement we shall be able to settle down better.
21.1.19Started drawing our food in Messes this morning. A much better plan. Our first meal cooked on the ship was enjoyed by us at mid-day. It was not at all bad. Treated myself to a few Mango’s but it is not a fruit I can eat much of.
A lot more troops came aboard this morning & now we are somewhat crowded. It is not a comfortable ship with so many troops aboard.
Said good-bye to Dar es salaam at mid-day & I hope it is for ever. Very hot on deck so came below after lunch & had a nap. Got our first issue of bread for tea also cheese but that was too strong for eating.
Had a nice bath this evening. The sea keeps very calm.
Still losing as much sweat as ever. Hardly any good putting clean clothes on. It makes us notice the difference between ourselves & chaps with “stars” up.
Had to draw life belts this morning so now one sees chaps going about ship with their Belts under their arm.
After Ships inspection we had a foot inspection. Just like our wonderful authorities. When we were treking hundreds of miles no one bothered about our feet, but now we hardly use them they want to see them. I wonder what brilliant idea they have got for tomorrow.
It has been awfully oppressive to day. Hardly a breath of air stirring. I thought it was a storm brewing but so far everything is perfectly calm.
Had the pleasure of being present at a concert to night given on the boat deck. Of course it was not given for our benefit, but they could hardly keep us away. It was quite a select affair. We had a small orchestra composed of 4 violins, a cornet , drum, & a pianist. They played fairly well. Sgt Watt was the best singer of the evening whilst Sgt Marlowe kept the audience in roars of laughter. He was very funny. It was quite a high class concert.
Lost my beauty sleep last night. Was awakened at 4 A.M. by a great commotion. I thought it was time to get up, but it was only the outdoor sleepers coming down stairs to shelter out of the rain.
I soon found that I had to shift my position as the rain was coming through the hatchway. It came down the windchute like a river & soon I was huddled up trying to keep dry.
We had a bad thunderstorm. The lightning was very vivid. So needless to say I got no more sleep. When I went on deck I expected to find it awfully rough, but I was surprised to find the sea so calm, but there was a better breeze blowing.
Have been expecting a Fire Alarm all day but it has not come off. When it does come off we have to fall in with our life belts on & in our proper boat stations. But of course we have not got a boat we have to content with Rafts.
The sea keeps very calm just as if oil had been poured upon it. But it looks very pretty. Quite a deep Prussian Blue.
24.1.19At breakfast time I am notified of the fact that I am mess orderly. Unfortunately I am feeling out of sorts so the job does not appeal to me. But I make the best of it & set to.
What a job it is especially after breakfast. We have to prepare for Ships inspection. Then all the heads of the Ship walk round & if things are not just so woe betide us. Some sweat is lost on this job.
Later. A better breeze has just sprung up & we can do with it to. Everybody expected a storm to night so there was a great rush downstairs to occupy good sleeping places.
Thankful to day is over. Don’t know how I managed to get through it. Hope I get a good night in.
25.1.19Had a very good night & am feeling very much better. Have lost my appetite. No food at all yesterday & no inclination for any now. But try & force a little down.
On parade they wanted to know our home unit & our occupation.
After dinner we were in sight of land. Delogoa Bay I expect. Passed a Wind Jammer this afternoon. It look a fine sight with its sails set. Everyone is anxiously awaiting our arrival in Durban, & so say good bye to this “Tub”. The days do not seem to pass quick enough for us.
On going on deck found that we were out of sight of land. That’s not a good omen as we were expecting to reach Durban to day.
I can say now I have travelled in style on this voyage even if it was only for an hour. Went to the Church Service after the inspection which was held in the Music saloon. It was like old times to hear the females singing again.
This afternoon had another Medical Inspection. Feeling awfully unsettled now. Just heard a rumour & it betas all others. They say we are giong straight home on this boat & that we shall only stay in Durban a couple of days. I can hardly believe it but heaven preserve us from such a fate.
Later. It does not appear as if we shall reach Durban to night. Feel quite disappointed. I touch for a fatigue after tea. Shifting our kit down in the hold. My word but it was hot. A lot of S.A. came down looking for their kit, result, a glorious muddle as we chucked work. Had to have a bath after that.
Went to the Church Service again. Methodist style this time. I saw the biggest bit of cheek there I have seen for some time. On a table stood a ¼ lb tin of tobacco. One of the chaps coolly filled his pouch from tin notwithstanding the nature of his business there.
Going upon deck saw the familiar sight of Durban once again. We had to creep round for some time until the pilot came aboard. Got berthed in dock about 8.30. And then the excitement commenced. Whats going to happen to us. It seems pretty certain that we are staying aboard.
Just heard that we can put in passes to go ashore from 2 to 10. So what a a rush to do so. Now we are all busy cleaning up.
Later. Oh ! What a day this has been. One minute orders given the next we get them cancelled. Eventually we got some definate orders which was to parade at 2 PM with our overcoats & shaving kit etc. We are going to stay at Congella for the night. They are going to disinfect the boat & time too.
2 PM arrived & we were patiently waiting to disembark but the head’s were not ready. So sarcastic comments began to flow. One funny remark was that the Officers did not know the time as someone had stolen “the Starboard Watch”.
After nearly losing patience we disembarked at 3 P.M. Then we paraded on the Quay. A train was coming to take us to Congella. After waiting some time & no train arriving we decided to walk, but had not gone far before we met the train. So in we get & thus proceeded to Congella 1st class.
On arrival there we were put in huts & were supposed to draw 1 blanket each but no one wanted to do that. Instead there was a great rush to the Y.M. After a struggle we managed to get served & enjoyed a good egg tea.
It was getting late then so we decided to call down town. Had a rickshaw to the Town Hall. Then into West St Hut & from there on top the beach. It looked very stormy but the rain kept off. Back again to West St Hut & then a gentle walk back to Camp. We had to sleep minus blankets, but fortunately it was quite warm.
Up with the larks this morning. Supposed to parade at 7.30 A.M. but it was 8 before we fell in. No body knows what we have got to do. Oh! its a grand organisation this. We keep falling in & falling out & nobody gets any wiser.
Had breakfast at the Y.M. off of eggs. Parade again at 9 AM. for a Medical inspection. The M.O. just walked around the parade & then we were dismissed. A proper farce.
Still waiting for news. About 11AM. News came that orders for embarkation were cancelled for to day until tomorrow. So was glad of the respite. So had a wash & was off by 1P.M. Unfortunately it turned out a wet afternoon so it was a case of dodging the showers.
Had some lunch at the West St Hut & then went shopping. Bought one or two articles I needed. Then returned to the Hut for more refreshments. Afterwards bought a few souvenirs.
About 7PM went up to Clarence Rd to see Mr & Mrs Stocks. They were very pleased to see me. I stayed there until midnight, & then thought it was time I was returning to camp. Had to walk as far as the Town Hall, but then got a Rickshaw.
On my way home passed a Soldier lying asleep on a doorstep. I tried to rouse him & take him back to camp but he was not having any. So I left him to slumber in peace. Got back to camp about 1 PM. So no blanket again. It was much colder.
29.1.19Felt a bit tired this morning but was not comfortable enough to lay in. Paraded at 8 A.M. As it was raining at the time had the Roll Call in the Huts. Orders to stand by so we go over to the YM for breakfast. I believe we are embarking today.
Spent the best part of the morning in the Y.M. Whilst there heard that we had to parade at 12.30 PM ready to march off so our short stay is ended. Now we are patiently waiting to get on with the journey.
Spent the rest of the journey at the Y.M. Whilst there received orders for embarking. Paraded at Midday ready to march to the docks. Naturally they took us round the back streets. Went by way of the esplanade. Went on board about 2PM. Same old boat. Some of the chaps turned up late & slightly elevated. They got their names taken.
The dock presented quite an animated scene with all the people present to see the boat off. I had some friends down to wish me a pleasant voyage. There were some amusing scenes on the dock with some of the fellows.
There was one chap on board & he had a very deep & loud voice & he kept singing “Away we go to fight the Foe”. Evidently that was all he knew of it for he never got any further. But the part that appealed to most was that he was an R.A.M.C. fellow.
We sailed about 6.30 PM & waved our adieu to Durban. Quite sorry to leave the place. I wish we had had longer time there. We got no tea on board or anything to eat. Lucky I and Jock thought about bringing some sandwiches from the Y.M.
Was awfully tired last night so had a good rest, but so far am not feeling much fresher for it. We have started the old routine over again. What a relief when we have finished with it all.
The boat is heaving about rather forcibly. After dinner the sea was much rougher. One could watch the White Horses. To tell the truth I am not feeling too comfortable. Should have done some washing but am not feeling in good form for it.
Later. Glad the sea has gone down a bit now & the boat is not heaving so much. Slung my hammock up tonight. Trying a sleep in mid air for a change.
It got awfully cold towards morning & where I was sleeping I caught it all. When I went on deck I found it was blowing very fresh.
More Life Boat drill this morning. After dinner got my washing done so as to be ready for Cape Town. Another Medical or shall I say “Foot” inspection at 3 P.M. We were told this morning that very possible we should go home on this boat & if we have any complaint to make about the Ship to make them now. I guess there will be plenty of complaints. We don’t want to go home on this tub.
Later. The sea is very rough now. The boat is heaving & rolling like a piece of cork & the sea’s are washing over the Foc’sle. And they want us to go home in her.