Saturday, April 25, 2009


Sunday 1st

We did not start until 3 P.M. Awaiting news until then. When it arrived it was good. March about 10 miles. Pitched camp 7 P.M. In the evening a few stray shots caused all the Porters to run away. What a row they made.

Monday 2nd

Off again at 6 AM. Halted for breakfast. Reached Lioma at 12.30 PM. Marched about 15 miles. Had a Banda Built in hopes of staying here a few days.

Tuesday 3rd

Still no rest for us. Off again first thing. No breakfast had but halted at 11.30 for 3 hrs. Reached camp for the night at 4.30 PM. Marched about 18 miles.

Wednesday 4th

Only a short march today as did not start until 7 AM. Arrived in Muletene at 10.30 & formed camp. Marched about 9 miles. Off again at 2.30 P.M. & marched to the Lurio river & camped there in the dark. 11 miles.

Thursday 5th

At last we get a days rest which is much appreciated. Get our clothes washed etc.

Friday 6th

Off again at 7 A.M. Changed direction. Back again to Muletene where we halted for lunch. Off again at 2 PM. & arrived in camp about 6 PM. Marched 20 mile.

Saturday 7th

Off again at 6 A.M. Halted for breakfast for an hour from 8 to 9. Arrived at Malema about 12.30 & camped. A lovely river here so enjoyed a good splash. 14 miles.


Marched about 100 miles this week.

Sunday 8th

No Safari to day so indulged in an extra hour in bed. What a treat to feel clean again.

Monday 9th

Off again on trek. Started at 6 A.M. & was nearly late. Did not wake until 5.30. At 8 halted for an hour for breakfast. Arrived in camp 1 P.M. 15 miles.

Tuesday 10th

Another start at 6 A.M. Halted for breakfast at 8 A.M. to 9 A.M. Another halt at 12 for lunch & started again at 2.30 PM. Arrived in camp at 5.30 PM. 22 mile.

Wednesday 11th

6 A.M. on the road again. 8 to 9 breakfast halt. 12.30 to 3 PM lunch halt in which we consume plenty of tea. Arrived in camp at 4.30 PM. 18 mile.

Thursday 12th

Arrived in Rebane about 8 A.M. & made camp. Off again at 4 P.M. & made camp at 5.30 PM. Total for the day 9 mile. Discharged Coy.

Friday 13th

6 AM. Finds us ready to move. Breakfast halt from 8 to 9. Mid day halt from 11.30 to 2.30 in which we console ourselves with tea. Left the road now for a narrow track. Made camp at 4.30 PM. 15 mile.

Saturday 14th

Same manner of travelling. Awfully hot & dusty. Camped for the night at 5 P.M. Marched about 20 mile.


At Rebane we picked up 200 herd of cattle & brought with us on Safari. Marched for the week about 100 mile.

Sunday 15th

Breakfast at Miubari. Mid day halt as usual. Camped for the night about 7 P.M. Fagged out. Marched about 22 miles.

Monday 16th

For a change we made a start at 8 AM. Marched 4 mile to water & halted for the mid day. Started again at 3.30 & reached camp at 5.30 P.M. So had a short day. 9 Mile. Had to set to & darn my socks.

Tuesday 17th

6 AM start this morning. Usual breakfast halt. Owing to the heat at midday we halted from 11.10 to 3.30. Camped at Miviti R at 5.30 17 mile. Lovely nights.

Wednesday 18th

Started at 7 A.M. No breakfast halt. Reached the Lurio crossing at 10 A.M. From there to the camp a distance of 1 mile it took us 2 hrs to do. Part of the river we crossed by bridge which was broken in the centre & 3 times we had to walk through parts. A lovely river. 9 mile.

Thursday 19th

Hurrah ! A day of rest at last so we can get cleaned up again. Did an hours parade at 4 P.M. Evening time is the best part of the day out here. Especially moonlight nights.

Friday 20th

Farewell the Lurio & now for MEDO. Started at 6 A.M. Usual halts. Water very scarce. Made camp about 1 P.M. 17 miles. When reaching camp so early we B.N.C.Os have to parade for Quinine. It is quite a meeting of the clans.

Saturday 21st

Usual routine. Water very scarce. Arrived in camp about 1 P.M. Marched about 15 miles. Bought about 30lbs sweet potatoes for about 2 yds of cloth.


Rations up on the 20th. Marched 89 miles this week.

Sunday 22nd

Another Sunday on Trek. Being a day of rest no doubt it influenced the Heads to halt early. So we made camp at 12 MD. Numerous water holes in the vicinity. 13 miles.

Monday 23rd

To my surprise we camped for the day at 11 AM. Only doing about 10 miles. We soon got the bed up & got down to it for a rest.

Tuesday 24th

Arrived at MEDO at 10.30 AM. Quite a decent Boma. We camped about 2 miles N of the Boma. Saw the 4/4 K.A.R. going by in motor cars. What will our luck be. 10 mile.

Wednesday 25th

Our luck is to figa mignu. For a change had a mid day halt. Water very scarce & the roads are very dusty. Made camp at 4.30 PM. Marched 18 miles.

Thursday 26th

Another 15 miles brought us nearer MESA. Made camp about 4PM. Wasted about 3 hrs at M.Day. Awful job to find water so had to go to bed unwashed. Just got enough to get a drink of coffee.

Friday 27th

Arrived in MESA at 8 AM. After breakfast proceeded to draw rations & have a wash etc. 2 PM. Made another start. 22 miles to go without coming to water so have to carry it all & use sparingly. Marched 16 miles.

Saturday 28th

12 ½ miles to march before we reached water. But we still had a drop to go on with. Arrived in camp 11.30 AM. Am feeling rotten to day. T. Cannon sent down for me he was playing up at the Boma. So I had tea with him & got a few cigarettes. He is a Lt now & got the DCM.


Marched about 95 mile.

Sunday 29th

Still finds us treking. Had a glimpse of old Tommy. 17 ½ miles brought us to camp for the night. Feeling better to day.

Monday 30th

An up hill trek to day so 13 miles was quite far enough. That brought us to Mahiwa. Can feel the sea breezes blow now. Received 4 letters.

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